130 Public Safety Communications Fund
<br />FY13FY13FY13
<br />doptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />A
<br />1,497,391372,9471,870,338
<br />a
<br />governmental795,5940795,594
<br /> Inter
<br />ges for Services2,803,977106,8592,910,836
<br /> Char
<br />b
<br /> Miscellaneous12,39588113,276
<br />b
<br /> Interfund Transfers80,725080,725
<br />Total Revenue3,692,691107,7403,800,431
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES5,190,082480,6875,670,769
<br />Department Operating
<br /> Police3,539,822235,8073,775,629
<br />b,c
<br />Total Department Operating3,539,822235,8073,775,629
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Interfund Transfers173,0000173,000
<br /> Reserve 1,097,77601,097,776
<br /> Balance Available379,484244,880624,364
<br />a,c
<br />Total Non-Departmental 1,650,260244,8801,895,140
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS5,190,082480,6875,670,769
<br />130 Public Safety Communications Fund
<br />Beginning Working Capital Reconciliation:
<br />a) Increase the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by
<br />$372,947, and increase Balance Available by the same amount. This adjustment brings the FY13 budgeted
<br />Beginning Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY12 actual revenues and expenditures as
<br />determined by Isler & Company, LLC, the City's external auditor.
<br />New Revenues:
<br />b) Recognize Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) revenues in the amount of $106,859,
<br />decrease Balance Available by $149,239, and increase appropriations for Communications Center and
<br />Regional Radio System equipment by $256,098. Recognize special event revenues in the amount of $881,
<br />and increase appropriations for youth/police outreach public information program by the same amount.
<br />Encumbrance Estimate Reconciliation:
<br />c) Reduce the Police Department operating appropriations by
<br />$21,172 to reconcile the amount estimated for payment of obligations incurred but not paid in FY12 to the
<br />actual amount paid, and increase Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />