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Item A - Hospital Update
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2004
Item A - Hospital Update
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6/9/2010 12:57:04 PM
Creation date
9/15/2004 11:38:02 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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Agate Street Extension Alternatives <br />August 24, 2004 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />further west of the existing at-grade railroad crossing now located at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and <br />Hilyard Street. Avenue A would then connect to this new underpass on the north side of the railroad <br />tracks. <br /> <br />This alternative uses the existing Agate Street railroad underpass. This alternative includes a new bridge <br />over the Millrace. <br /> <br />Cost Estimate <br /> <br />The estimated cost of Alternative 1 is $10 million. The cost includes $4.8 million for construction and <br />$5.2 million for right-of-way. The construction cost includes $3.55 million for road construction and <br />$1.25 million for a new bridge over the Millrace. <br /> <br />Street Alternative 2 <br /> <br />Description <br /> <br />Street Alternative 2 is the same as Alternative 1, except in one respect. Under the CUP and Alternative 1, <br />some of "Avenue A" would be constructed directly adjacent to the northern boundary of the railroad <br />tracks, but a middle stretch of"Avenue A" would diverge north from the tracks, running parallel to the <br />railroad tracks for about 1500 feet at a distance that reaches about 100 feet from the tracks. This allows <br />"Avenue A" to be "double loaded" for this stretch. The CUP shows two parking lot parcels on the south <br />side of"Avenue A," between it and the railroad tracks, in this stretch. Under Alternative 2, that segment <br />of the CUP' s Avenue A which diverges north from the railroad tracks, would be realigned so that Avenue <br />A stays directly adjacent to the northern boundary of the railroad tracks for its entirety. As with <br />Alternative 1, Alternative 2 would extend "Avenue A" a few hundred feet further to the west of the <br />terminus shown in the CUP, beyond the boundaries of the CUP, where it would instead connect to the <br />proposed Patterson Street underpass. <br /> <br />This alternative uses the existing Agate Street railroad underpass. This alternative includes a new bridge <br />over the Millrace. <br /> <br />Cost Estimate <br /> <br />Alternative 2 differs from Alternative 1 in that the alignment is modified to follow the railroad right-of- <br />way for the entire length of the roadway. Therefore, Alternative 2 would cost approximately the same as <br />for Alternative 1. The estimated cost of Alternative 2 is $10 million. The cost includes $4.8 million for <br />construction and $5.2 million for right-of-way. The construction cost includes $3.55 million for road <br />construction and $1.25 million for a new bridge over the Millrace. <br /> <br />Street Alternative 3 <br /> <br />Description <br /> <br />Street Alternative 3 would be an east-west street that stays entirely on the south side of the railroad tracks, <br />adjacent to the south side of the railroad right-of-way for much of its length, following the path of <br /> <br /> <br />
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