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Ordinance No. 20366
City of Eugene
2006 No. 20357-20374
Ordinance No. 20366
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 4:46:00 PM
Creation date
5/9/2006 3:32:00 PM
City Recorder
Kitty Piercy
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<br />records, this estimate turned out to be smaller than the actual property size. When this <br />correction was combined with the cost increases that the project did experience, the result <br />was the apparent large increase that Mr. Van Allen experienced. The earlier estimates <br />were estimates, both of the property size and of the cost. In Mr. Van Allen's case <br />correcting both these estimates magnified the effect of the change in cost. <br /> <br />With regard to the question of the scope of the improvements, and whether the <br />street was overbuilt, Mr. Gallup explained that the road was identified as a collector street <br />and was designed according to the established standards for the street. In some places <br />the design had been modified to limit some standard features because of the position of <br />the street. Mr. Gallup and Mr. Klope responded to questions from the hearings official <br />regarding the limited assessment of the costs of collector streets. Mr. Gallup and Mr. <br />Klope explained that the increased size and capacity of a collector street, when compared <br />with a local street, are not usually paid by the assessed property owners. Most property <br />owners pay the same set of costs regardless of the street classification or added design <br />features. In this case Mr. Van Allen was not being assessed for the street width or street <br />features put in because the street was a collector street. <br /> <br />Mr. Gallup explained to Mr. Van Allen that he was aware that the City had <br />already begun consideration of the question of a four way stop at 3rd and Lincoln. Mr. <br />Gallup provided Mr. Van Allen with contact information for Tom Larson of the City's <br />Traffic Engineering section, to allow Mr. Van Allen to participate in further discussion <br />on the issue. <br /> <br />In response to the hearings officer's questions, Mr. Van Allen and Mr. Gallup <br />explained the issues with regard to street name changes. Coincident with the completion <br />of the improvement project the City is considering a street name change for 3rd and 4th <br />Avenue. After this explanation, the hearings officer explained to Mr. VanAllen that that <br />issue was outside the scope of the local improvement district assessment hearing. Mr. <br />Gallup informed Mr. Van Allen that the question was scheduled to be before the Council <br />at the same Council meeting that would consider of this assessment matter. <br /> <br />Mr. Van Allen concluded by saying that he had no real complaints about the <br />improvement. He felt that the City had created a nice road that did help address the <br />problems that had existed before. Mr. Van Allen felt that it might create some new <br />problems, but that was only to be expected. <br /> <br />There being no further inquiries or statements to be made, the hearing closed at <br /> <br />6: 20. <br />
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