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Ordinance No. 20366
City of Eugene
2006 No. 20357-20374
Ordinance No. 20366
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 4:46:00 PM
Creation date
5/9/2006 3:32:00 PM
City Recorder
Kitty Piercy
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<br />Exhibit A <br /> <br />MINUTES <br />Local Improvement District Assessments <br />Paving, Constructing Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, Landscape Medians, Street Lights, <br />Street Trees, Wastewater and Storm Water Drainage on 3rd and 4th Avenues Between <br />Pearl Street and Lincoln Street, North of the Southern Pacific Railroad and South of <br />Skinner Butte Park. <br /> <br />April 12, 2006 Public Hearing <br /> <br />Hearings Official Milo Mecham convened the hearing at 6:00 p.m. Present at the <br />hearing representing the City of Eugene were Principal Engineer Paul Klope and Project <br />Engineer Steve Gallup. <br /> <br />There was one member of the public present, Mr. Zeph Van Allen of 150 W. 4th <br />Street. Mr. Van Allen was familiar with the process, having attended the formation <br />hearing and having held several discussions with Eugene staff, including Mr. Gallup. <br />Perhaps because of his familiarity with the process and the issues, Mr. Van Allen <br />demonstrated that he did not need introductory remarks by the hearings official or by Mr. <br />Gallup by immediately beginning with a statement of his questions and concerns. <br /> <br />Mr. Van Allen began by stating his dissatisfaction with the increase in the price of <br />the proposed assessments. He indicated that his notice of final proposed assessment was <br />more than twenty-five percent higher than the estimated assessments provided when the <br />district was formed. Mr. Van Allen also indicated that he was dissatisfied with the <br />proposed change of street name, especially because it came so quickly after the last <br />request for an address change. Mr. Van Allen suggested that the City should bear the <br />cost of the address change. <br /> <br />Mr. Van Allen also indicated that, while the street improvements were <br />necessary, he felt that the street had been over built, and that he was concerned that this <br />was the cause of some of the excess costs that he was being asked to pay. An additional <br />problem that Mr. Van Allen suggested arose from the street design was an increase in <br />through traffic. Mr. Van Allen argued that the improvements encouraged more traffic <br />from the Fifth Street area. Because of this, Mr. Van Allen suggested that the end of the <br />improvements, at 3rd and Lincoln should have a four way stop installed, to slow traffic <br />and prevent accidents. <br /> <br />After Mr. Van Allen finished his statements, Project Engineer Steve Gallup <br />checked the detailed numbers of proposed assessments to develop an explanation of the <br />change in price. Mr. Gallup explained that it appeared that Mr. Van Allen's proposed <br />assessments had increased more than the other assessments because of a correction that <br />was made when the actual size of Mr. Van Allen's property was used to calculate the <br />proposed final assessment. Earlier, when the estimated assessments were shared with <br />property owners, an estimated property size was used. While drawn from the property <br />
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