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ORDINANCE NO . ~ $~p S3 <br />An Ordinance vacating the following described public utility <br />easement, to-wit: <br />The westerly 2 feet of the northerly 16 feet of the <br />7 foot public utility easement along the southeas t- <br />erly line of Lot 10 LAURA'S SUBDIVISION: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 10, LAURA'S <br />SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide <br />254, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; run thence North <br />0°18' East 50.0 feet along the east line of said Lot <br />l0, to a point; thence North 89°42' West, 5.0 feet to <br />the True Point of Beginning; thence South 0°18' West <br />16.0 feet; thence North 89°42' West 2.0 feet; thence <br />North 0°l8' East, 16.0 feet; thence South 89°42' East, <br />2.0 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Hicks EV <br />~9--163 <br />On the 7th day of May, 1980, the City Council of the City of <br />Eugene passed Ordinance No. 18622 setting a hearing to be held on <br />the 11th day of June, 1980, at the Council Chambers at City Hall, <br />Eugene, Oregon, at which time and place protests and remonstrances <br />could be heard as to the proposed ~racation of the above described <br />public utility easement. <br />Notice was duly and regularly given of the hearing and a hear-~ <br />ing was held pursuant to th.e Ordinance at the Council Chambers, at <br />City Hall, Eugene, Oregon, on the 11th day of June, 1980, at Noon, <br />Pacific Daylight Time, and at said time and place the Council heard <br />all objections . <br />All persons owning property abutting upon the public utility <br />easement to be vacated ha~re consented to the vacation and applied <br />for the same. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES QRDAZN AS F~LLO~S: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that <br />due and regular notice of the hearing was published and posted as <br />Ordinance ~- 1 <br />