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<br /> <br />ECC <br />UGENE ITY OUNCIL <br />AIS <br />GENDA TEM UMMARY <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Public Hearing: An Ordinance to Redesignate and Rezone “South Willamette <br />Properties” for General Office Use by: Amending the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan <br />Area General Plan Diagram; Amending the South Willamette Subarea Plan Diagram and <br />Text; and Amending the Eugene Zoning Map <br />(City Files MA 09-5, RA 09-1 and Z 09-3) <br /> <br /> <br />Hearing Date: February 16, 2010 Agenda Item Number: 2 <br />Department: Planning and Development Staff Contact: Ann Siegenthaler <br />www.eugene-or.govContact Telephone Number: (541) 682-5452 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br /> <br />This public hearing is for a proposal to amend the Metro Plan and the applicable refinement plan, and <br />approve a concurrent zone change for South Willamette Properties. Approval of the applicant’s request <br />would redesignate the subject property from High Density Residential to Commercial on the Metro Plan <br />land use diagram, amend the land use diagram and text in the South Willamette Subarea Study to clarify <br />that the subject property is appropriate for office use (GO zoning), and rezone the property from R-3 <br />Limited High Density Residential to GO General Office. Approval of the requests would allow future <br />use and development of the site for general office purposes. <br /> <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />The property subject to this request is located at 2440 Willamette Street, on the northwest corner of <br />Willamette Street and 24th Place, and is identified as Tax Lot 3100 of Assessor’s Map 18-03-06-41. <br />The location of the subject property is shown on Exhibits A through C of the attached draft ordinance. <br />The half-acre property is fully developed with an existing medical health facility and associated parking. <br />While medical health facilities can be allowed under the current designation and zoning, the applicant is <br />requesting the change to expand the type of office and professional uses that can utilize the existing <br />commercial building. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the applicant’s request on December 8, 2009. <br />Testimony was received from the applicant and applicant’s representatives in favor of the amendments; <br />one person provided testimony in opposition to the proposal. On January 11, 2010, the Planning <br />Commission met for deliberations and voted to recommend approval of the requests, with some minor <br />modifications of the refinement plan amendment findings related to changed circumstances. These <br />revisions are included in the findings, which are provided as Exhibit D to the attached draft ordinance. <br />The ordinance, with any directed changes, will be utilized in the event that the City Council makes <br />positive findings that the proposal complies with the applicable approval criteria. <br /> <br /> <br />Z:\CMO\2010 Council Agendas\M100216\S1002162.doc <br /> <br />