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<br />r--410 <br /> <br />c~~r--~~---~~~- <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />~:'~! <br />I <br />! <br />201 <br />~~ I <br />.. I <br />( I <br /> <br />- --- ~ - - -: - <br />,~~ <br /> <br />~2.----=-----~~---=:-:~:-.~--;::-::;:,----=~=--==-=-::-:-..~~=-:----,--, -=- ::::;-~.~-~~-:=-- -~- .~~~--.- <br /> <br />.-:-;:~...,.-----:--- --"- - ----:---;.~--..-......,....,...::::--,--,___~~.~- - ~. 7-"...-,,----"::.--=--~~--- <br /> <br />REPORTS OF OFFICERS . <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />A report from the Office of the City Manager for the month of December, <br />1945, was su,bmi tt,ed and.,. read, as,. fol1,ows: <br /> <br />"The following r.eport, covering activi ties of my office and of the <br />several city departments for the month of December is submitted for your in- <br />format,ion., . '.' <br /> <br />Members, of the, Street" Fire, and, .Police. departments. were called upon to <br />perform special d~ties dur,ing the f,lood .emergenc.y. Maintenance personnel and <br />firemen assist,ed, many. home, owners, in relieving conditions, ,ca,used-dby, flooded <br />basements and premises, wh-ile ,thepolic.e, departmentc,ooperated with- other agencies <br />in, handling snarled traffic conditions. Our two ,safety cars with loud speaker <br />equipment were given extensive use and proved invaluable aids in warning and <br />directing traffic. in.theflood areas. ' <br /> <br />During, the month two offices have been comple,ted, on the t,op floor of <br />the City-Hall, and one of the,se is now occup.ied "byl\llr. Howard, Bufordcand the <br />Central Lane Co.unty Planning s,taff., The, second,. office is ready' for occupancy <br />by .the.,Wa.ter Board. Revis,ed plans for ,these offices willpermi t, future <br />construction. of two additional offices ,on the side of the building: wi th <br />main entrance and, access c,orridor.Building alterations, and ,red.ecorating have <br />been completed in. ,the, fire department, and, we,cord.ially ,invit.e, your,1nspection <br />of the, ,clepartment premise.s., Practi,cally all of this work has been done ,by the <br />members of the fire department and they have done a splendid job that has re~ <br />quired, many; man. hour"s inth,e ,past several, months., <br /> <br />Other building work to be completed in January includes renovation of <br />the Council. Chambers ,and the Finance, Off,ice.. <br /> <br />.' ,Negotiations are in progres.s' wi,th two property owners, and- one, agreement <br />c.ompleted, in" connection with .the ,city's share in the. go,:v,ernment, pro.ject to pro- <br />vide a $65,000 instrument landing and light lane approach for the Mahlon Sweet <br />Airport. The system will add an important. improveme.nt to the port facilities. <br /> <br />" . ,Our offi,c,e, has advocated the. format.ion. of Community Improv,ement" groups <br />in cer,tain -areas of the city as a means of ,promoting,be,t,ter< ,.unders,tanding and <br />coopera t,ion of pro.perty owners in ma,tters, of local improvements including streets, <br />si4ewalks, sewers, lighting, ,etc. The first of several meetings to be called by <br />interes,ted property, owner.s is scheduled, f,or the, coming week. <br /> <br />The, pro,bl,em of, main,taining..,oldand worn rOl.lingequipment." particularly <br />in the ,police and, street departments -has become more, acute. How.ever;, we are, <br />I maintaining close contact with suppliers and hope that our program of replace- <br />I ment, ..for which cash reserves were provided by the Council, can be started during <br />the-next few. months. <br /> <br />The t,raffic problemc,ontinue,s to .be a No. 1 problem., A stepping up -' in . <br />traffic enf.orcement. activity 'and a traff,ic safe,ty campaign" ,to be carried oil <br />thr,ough,.19,46 may improve ,the, situati.on. The. formula for e,ffici,en,cy in rating <br />traffic en,forcement, divisions, ,as the ,Na.tionaJ. Saf'e.ty. C'ouncil is <br />ten arrests and convictions for every accident involving an injury or fatality. <br />A ratio of' 8-plus to one is noted in our traffic enforcement report for the month <br />of December. <br /> <br />Your serious. considera,tion is directed to the alliedpr.oblem of 01'1'- <br />street parking ta,cilities for, _t.he",.area. Thi.s is a pro,blem that <br />will not, ,be solved, by seeking .to, u,til,ize fast-disappearing vacant ,lo.ts' or <br />! portions of city blocks adjacent .to the .business district. It - calls far a. ~old <br />. plan, ,of ,approach. involving the coo,pe,ra.tion of the downtown property and .bus1ness <br />: interests with the city in large scale, .long-time financing plan to acquire and <br />clear ade,qua,tely-Sized, and pro,p,erly:, loca,ted. areas.. . <br /> <br />It is recommended tha-t, the matter be referred to the Councilt s Pollee <br />! Committee and our office with authorization to complete necessary surveys and <br />to report its findings and recommendations to a special meeting or meetings of <br />the common council." <br /> <br />It was moved by Crwnbaker, seconded by Hawn that the report be received and <br />placed on file and that the recommendations therein contained be adopted by the <br />Common Council. Motion C~rried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I, <br /> <br />I <br />,\ <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br />