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<br /> ~440 <br /> i e <br /> 11/26/63 <br /> ..........-------~.~--.,..,....,..-~,~------------_.-.....-------~:~~-....-..-.--- -------..--..-..~~..- - . -Ac..."".-,''''' .c______________-.-~._ r- __~_"...___~-""",."__,...., --~----.....-~_~"_r'~_=_~~^'___~~~~:-~':~~; ~~:'!!'~;-~~"7~ <br /> ~ ....,.".~.r:: ~.-.._-.c......-;- ........ _ ._ -- '-00""'"' _ -'''~-'''''''''''''- ~ ~- --.. .~- ~ --,.-_.,~..,.-_-: --~~'-"-='"....~.::::---- ;':'-;':::";.---~~~~~'''':-~~_.:.....:::----''''''''-' -~:;"~...i.:.~~~~':"~~''':''';'':::;-:=-=-'I.~~...;_~~_;...'.''''~:-;'_~':''_""",,---'":'.:...;.7~~-=...--:;;.;:.;:-;;.~~_:-,.,:.....~......~.~~--.''''''' '"':.-: __..;..- -: ~"_,~ --,-.;";'-:"'_i:...=.":.:"';"':"~~_~. -. - . .. ,- <br /> ....:-'"- ''O.~.-o= ~ -::a.~-+~_,_:~ '.-..c--" <br /> I <br /> COMMITTEE REPORTS I <br /> Report of Committee meeting held November 14, 1963 (Part II): <br /> "Present: Acting Mayoi.Chatt;CotincilMembers Lauris, Swanson,Christenien, Deve,re 11, <br /> Hawk', 'and P,urdy; City Manager; City Attorney;' City Recorder; Asst. C:tty I <br /> M~nager;' Dire~toro~ Public Wor~s; and others. I <br /> , . <br /> 1 l. Architects , Community Buildings and Swimming Pools - The committee previously I <br /> appointed to make a.recommendation concerning selection of a.n,architectural <br /> firm to plan :and b~ild cbrrjmuriity buildings arid swimmin,g poofs (or the City <br /> of Eugene,: having interviewed .a number of members of architectural firms in e <br /> ,the local area ~nd considered their previous experi~nce in simila~projects, I <br /> now recommended to the City Council through the City Manager that the firm <br /> of Lutes and Amundson be selected:by,the-City to be employed in the event a <br /> pl~nning grant is authori~ed by the Hous~ng and Home Finance Agency. II <br /> , < <br /> Mr. Hawk moved ,seconded by Dr. Purdy to approve ,the recommendatio,n and. 'enip~o'y <br /> - Lutes and Amundson as 'architects. -Motion carried. I <br /> , I I <br /> -Mr. Chatt moved secob.ded 'hy Mrs. Lauris to approve nem 1 .of the Commit-tee repqrL, 'RQ11": I <br /> call vote. All councilmen present voting aye, motion carried. ,J i <br /> 2 2. United 'Appear Lease, City Halr - A tentative agreement between the C:ttyof <br /> Eugene and Lane County United Appeal wa~presented by the City Ma.nager and, <br /> explained wherein the United Appeal lease from 'the City approximately <br /> 1050 square feet 01 of'fice space in 'the new ,City Hal,l. The term of the <br /> lease wouil1d be for"fiveyears, beginning 'Apr'il 1" '.1964. Un,ited Appeal wouilid <br /> pay'to the 'City $4,000.00 which would be used~to complete ~nd furnish the in- <br /> terior, of the space considered in the rental. This advance woold b,e used, t-o <br /> offset the' payment of rent until said $4,000.00 is fully credited over a ' , <br /> period of forty months. In addition, United Appe~l requested parking space <br /> for ohe-motorvehicle on an annual basis and one motor vehicle for a 6-month <br /> period of each year. - <br /> ~rs. Lauris moved ,seconded by Mr. Swanson toapprpve the lease agreement:,: ex- . <br /> ceptin~ the parking, cO,ndition, which waul? be omi:tted at this ti,me. Mot.ion . <br /> carried. ! <br /> Chatt moved seconded by Mrs. ' , , <br /> Mr. Lauristhat Item 2 of the Committee report be approved. <br /> Rollcall vote. All councilmen present voting aye, motion carried. <br /> Oakway' and Cal Young Sidewalks - The Public Works Depart~ent:advise~' that - ~ - . <br /> 3 3.. - I. <br /> the completion dates established for the sidewa~ks on 'Cal Young and Oakway I <br /> Roads were Noyember 1, 1963 ,and Noyember: 15., ,196.3. pue to some delay in <br /> receiving jurisdi~t-ion over t:he roads, from the. County and du~ to holding <br /> the contracts subject to receiv,ing jurisdiction, ~he Public Works Depart- I <br /> ment recommended the completion date for the 'two projects be January 1, 1964, j <br /> excepting that portion of the Ca.l Young Road cohtract located west of Oakway i <br /> Road which was to have an additional completion date of July 1, 1964. I <br /> Mrs., Lauris moved seconded by Mr. Swanson to approve the recommendat'io':1~_ - - - ~ II <br /> Motion e:arried. e <br /> 4~ .Planning'Commission Report'; October 28, . _... A__ _ . , , . II <br /> 4 1963 I <br /> a. Vacation Powell Street ad;acent to Whitbeck Boulevard, City - The: - --- , <br /> - - - - - -- , <br /> Public. Wprks Department has negotiated:a propo?ed vacation with adja- I <br /> cent property owners. to permit improvement of the intersection of il <br /> Powell Street withWpitbeck Boulevard and recommended the vacation II <br /> proceed. The Planni,ng Commission concurred in the reccmmendation.: <br /> Mrs. Lauris moved se,cond,ed by Dr. Purdy to approve the requested vaca- <br /> tion. Motion carrieph II <br /> I <br /> 5 b. Vacation Easement along Lots 7-10, Block :7 , 4th Addition to Southern <br /> Oaks - The Planning Commission approved the vacation of an easement I <br /> along the rear of Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Block 7) 4th Addition to <br /> I Southern Oaks, and the petitioner<:at:l7 a,n~w.l7asl7-:-:"., - I <br /> II ment a).ong, the prope;rty ~ine which would be cr~ated by,the sale of ( <br /> property which would. be adequate for any future utilities. The Public <br /> I Works Department alsp recommended approval. ,Mr. Christensen moved I <br /> seconded by Dr. Purdy: to, approve the requested va~ation and acceptance ~ <br /> of the alternate eas~ment. Motion carr ied. <br /> 11/26/63 - '2 <br /> I <br /> 'j e <br /> \ )1 <br /> ~' <br /> -Ii Ii <br />