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Item A: Budget Service Realignment
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 10/17/07 Work Session
Item A: Budget Service Realignment
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10/12/2007 2:01:03 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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߬¬¿½¸³»²¬ß <br />City of Eugene Service & Budget Alignment Project <br />Goals of the Project <br />Align services with the City Council’s goals/vision statements <br />Lay the groundwork to reach a sustainable General Fund budget by FY11 to <br />respond to an emerging structural deficit <br />Identify and fund the services that contribute the most to achieving the goals <br />based on the dollars invested for the value received <br />Create a more transparent budget process <br />Support investments in innovations that help achieve the above goals <br />Create a budget document that focuses on showing the alignment of services and <br />service levels with the Council goals <br />Brief Description of the Process <br />The city will align its services with the goals it wishes to achieve and make decisions <br />regarding the amount to invest in each service according to the degree to which it helps <br />achieve the goals of the city. Levels of service will be evaluated based on the value <br />produced for the money invested. Opportunities for providing services in new ways or <br />to improve efficiency or effectiveness will be identified to implement now or in the <br />future. <br />Steps for FY09 Process <br />1)The City Council approves using the Council vision statements as the goals for this <br />process and confirms their support for the FY09 budget process. <br />2)Goal Teams made up of city employees identify three indicators for each Council <br />goal and develop cause and effect maps that show, based on evidence, the major <br />contributing factors to achieving the goals. <br />3)Goal Teams receive feedback on their cause and effect maps from the Steering <br />Committee, the Executive Management Team, and the Budget Committee. <br />4)Departments develop service offers scaled to show relative value per dollar invested <br />and submit them to the relevant Goal Teams. <br />5)Departments submit innovation proposals that are investments of limited duration <br />with a projected high Return On Investment that have the potential to improve the <br />efficiency or effectiveness of services. <br />6)Goal Teams rank service offers into high, medium, and low categories, rank <br />innovation proposals, and make observations about opportunities for improvement. <br />7)The City Manager uses the Goal Team work as valued input into the proposed <br />budget. <br />8)City leadership evaluates and learns from the FY09 budget process and designs the <br />plan for service & budget alignment for FY10 including expanding community <br />input. <br />ï <br />
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