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4~.s <br />o~ ~ III?SPECTIGN RE~?UIR^D AEFORE COVx'F.IT?CT IT~TSTA?~LATION. <br />Before any installation is covered from sight, a notification in writing shall <br />be given the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, who shall, vrithin 1~g hours after the <br />cPipt of such notification, inspect the ineta112tion and give his vrritten approval <br />or disapproval. Upon failure of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention to inspect <br />vrith the specified time, the installation nay be covered but shall be subject to insp- <br />~ cation by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention at the expense of the City. <br />SOS HAZARDOUS HEATING AND LIGHTIDTG.APPLIANCES PfIAY BE PR CHIBITED. <br />~ Trio chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention ma.y prohibit the use of any type, _ <br />i kind or make of heating or ligriting appliance using f lammabl~ liquids"which has not <br />' been tested by him or some competent authority and found to be properly s~fegua.rded, <br />or which is not installed so as to provide reasonable protection against life or <br />property. <br />~ ~ CLASS T AND IL LI~;UIDS PROHIBITED IN PLP_CES OF PUBLIC ASSEh~BLY. <br />No Class 1 nor Class ll liquids shall be.kept or stored in any schoolhouse, <br />j religious, amusement or other building used for public assembly, except in laboratories <br />for experimental purposes. <br />X10 STORAGE "OF CLASS T: A?~TD Tl: LI^tTIDS ATEAR EXITS, ETC. <br />Except in sealed cor_ta.irers, no Class 1 nor Class 11 liquids ma.y be stored <br />vrithin 10 feet of any stairway, elevator or exit except vrhen in a space separated from <br />the stairway, elevator or exit by afire-resistive partition. <br />ol.l TWO EXITS RE~~UTAED IN STORES ARTD JOBBERt S PLAPTTS. <br />In all stores and in all jobber's manufacturing plants in =::*hich flammable , <br />liquids are store, at least two exits shall be provided, one of vrhich shall be remote <br />from the point of storage. <br />Q,12 HANDLING LI~~ITED IN BUILDINGS OCCUPIED BY FAN~ILIES. <br />The mixing, storing or handling of flammable liquids of Class 1 and 11 in <br />open containers is.proY~ibited in any store in any building~-hcusing more than ttao <br />f2~niJ.ies or in a frame , housing more ths.n one family, provided that this shall <br />not apoly to drug stores where flammable liquids are used in making and compounding <br />medicines and prescriptions. <br />STORAGE LIA4IT.ED IrT FRAME AND OTHER BUILDINGS NOT SO USED ON DATE OF <br />ENAC"'A4ENT CF ORDINANCE. <br />i <br />The storage of flammable liquids inside buildings except in buildings so used <br />on date of enactment of ordinance shall be as given under the follotring sub-sections; <br />Frovid.ed that in a spectial stcrage room or fire=resistive building, conforming to <br />requirements given in Section 915, the stera,ge of Class 1 liquids shall be in <br />.ccordance with Section 916 and the quantity of C1_ass 11 ..=nd 111 liquids shall be <br />unlimited. <br />(a) trlithin the limits given in Section D51. <br />In frame buildings: <br />Classes 1 a,nd ll prohibited <br />Class 111. Maximum limit of any tank or cor_t=,iner <br />60 gallons, except as permitted in Section 960. <br />In other than frame buildirgs: <br />` Class 1. In sealed metal containers or safety cans of <br />not more than 1 gallon capacity, and not exceeding a total of <br />10 gallons. " <br />Class: ll. In sealed metal containers or safety cans of <br />not more than 5 gallons capacity and in barrels, drums <br />or tanks of not more than 60 gallons capacity (total <br />quantity stored in this manner unlimited). <br />1 Class lll. In sealed containers of not more than <br />~ gallons capacity, in barrels and drums and in tanks not <br />~ exceeding 120 gallons capacity, except as permitted in <br />Section 960 (total quantity stored in this manner unlimited). <br />1 (b) Outside the limits given in Section 951. <br />' ~ In frame buildings: <br />i <br />Class 1. In sealed metal containers or safety cans of <br />