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~76 <br />Part 9 Section 916 <br />Section 91b is amended by deleting tho ]_ast sentence of this sect9_on. <br />Part 9 Secti on 9~1 <br />:~ecti on 951 i s amended by deleting t.s entire sectior_ and inserting the follovring: <br />Except as otherti~rise permitted. in this ordin~ ice, the storage of ]_iquids shall be <br />outside buildings, 5_n underground or abozle ground tanks, except that the storage i.n tanks <br />above ground and ou+~.si_de buildings ~_s permitted ir. the Heavy Industrial District only. Pro- <br />vided that for existing tanks v.ithin such limits, ~~rhich_ are properly:~ safeguarded and do not <br />involve a h~.zard to other property a permi t shall he granted . <br />Part g Section 9;3 <br />Uection 93 is r;mended by deleting the enti re sec+;_on :.nd inserting the follovrirg: <br />(a) LOCATION 1~'.~TI~I :?~'SPi~CT ':~~ P~~CIPZP.TY LIPdES. Location of ar. above ground tank for the <br />storage of flarcnable liquids, o;;-sr than cruise petroletun, vrith .respect to distance from the <br />nearest line of adjoining propert~T vrhich may be built upon, shall be such that the dis+.a:.ce <br />betrreer. any part of the tank and the line shams be not less thar_ 10 feet, or ore-half the <br />diameter of such tank, vrhichever is the greater. (b) Location of a to{nk for the storage of <br />crude petroleum vrith respect to the nearest line of adjoining proper+.~T vrhich may be b~.~ilt <br />upon, shall be such that tha distance betvreen ar.,;~ part thereof to such lin; be not less than <br />feet, or the diameter of s~~cL; +,ank, vrhichever dis ,.ante is ±.ho ~;reuter. (c) SPACIPiG <br />BE`F~1E."sPJ TANKS. The location of a tank ~~rith. respect to an~r other tank shall be such "that <br />the distance between them sh21.1 bo not less than 3 feet. For tanks above X0,000 gallons <br />individual capacity, except those for crude petroleum, the disc:once sha].1 be not less than <br />one-half the diameter of thy, smaller tank. (d) For tanks storing crude petroleum above <br />12b,000 ga]_lons (3000 bbls) individual capacity, !the distance shoal be not less than the <br />diameter of the smaller tank. (e) Tanks erected and in use on the date of the enactrncnt <br />of this ordinance shall he deE;mcd to comply vrith this soctiorl. <br />Part 9 Section 9~~ <br />Section 9~J~ is amended by deleting the .first paragraph and inserting the foLo,^rin~: <br />OPENINGS InJ l~BOVr GIZO?IiJD TAt??,S. Etch abo~,ro ground tank; ~.nsidc or outside of buildings, over <br />1000 gallons in capacity, shall have vent openings, exceptint; emergency relief openings, <br />provided vrith annroved {lame arrestors or <rs.ecum ar pressure relief openinl;~. The cev~rs for <br />manholes , handlioles, and ~;uag~e holes shall be made ti ~;ht fittings . <br />Pert 9 Section 960 <br />Section 960 is amended bar inserting the follovring at the end of p~.ragraph (a): In <br />Fire 7o*~cs 1 and 2 and places of publ~_c assambly. <br />Part 9 Secti on 972 <br />aecti on 972 is amer_ded by deleting the first sentence of the second paragraph and in- <br />sertin€ the follov~ring; Vint openings , for tanks e.cceeding 1000 gallons capacity, <br />those on underground tanks containing Class III ligt.zi ds , :hall be provided ~~r1_th approved <br />flame arrestors, vacum or pressur~ relief valves. <br />1 <br />. C_y~ <br /> <br />