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<br />r64 <br /> <br />------~.~---_..- ~._-_..~--~-~~- <br />-. - - - <br /> <br />~ --- ~._-~,,- <br />..~. -.. ----- <br /> <br />_ _.::..::::-::-_~.__=::--_-::~_ -=::~~ -:- _._~~ ~ ~_ ._~___._~___~~___:______r_ <br /> <br />~" \ <br />:,~ <br />~ <br /> <br />The question of paving 7th .Ave.rme :t'or whick a petition was presented a <br />year ago and rejected, w~s again brourh up and discussed. it was finally moved and <br />duly carried that 7th Avenue i'r'om Blair B~;t,-levard to Polle Street be paved. <br /> <br /><~he Stroet vommittee re~orted the crossinc of the' 00uthern Pacific tracks <br />II at tile corner of .5th Avenue and High Street is in bad condition, an,d the Recorder <br />was direc te d to no tify the Hailroad C ompaJ:Y to fix the same immedia te ly. <br />I: <br />Ii <br />Ii <br />Ii <br />Ii <br />Ii <br />Ii <br />i: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The petitions which were filed a year aco to pave victoris Boulevard and <br />Hostein Boulevard were again re-read, and Mr. Hos'Gein a]!peared and stated to the <br />council the obj'9ction of Mr. Korn which he made at the time of the grading and <br />graveling of Vi'3toria Boulevard has been amicably adjusted. It was, therefore, <br />moved, seconded, and carried on the motion of Councilman Rugh that said tV10 streets <br />be paved. <br /> <br />The Street Cor:amittee asked that the Engineer look into the q-";cestion of <br />tw advisabilit,y of building walks on the iJest siele of Kincaid Street from 19th <br />to 20th Avenues. <br /> <br />The Fire & vVa tel' C ommi t tee r'3'poI' te cL & new st ove is needed for the Fire <br />\ - <br />Department and ~lso that the chemical_fire truck needs a new coat of paint. The <br />Co~mittee was instructed to ask for bi&s for such services. <br /> <br />1'he Fire & ~7a tel' C ommi t tee also spoke on othe c 011,: it ion of the old <br />build~ags on Uest 8th Avenue and the Health Committee reported all is being done <br />at this time which can be done in such matter. <br /> <br />, It V1a8 sug:gested 'l:.:1at a gas tani: be ,procured atche Oity Hall for the <br />need of the Fire Department and the matter was dis~ussed b~t no official action <br />I taleen. <br /> <br />The F~_re & Water COiIlilli ttee roported on the plan for the proposecl .new <br />Fire Zones for the City and the City Attorney presented Qn U~dinance in conformity <br />to the recommmenda'tion of the Fire and VJater COffim.i.ttee, ii/hiah was 'passed as herein <br />shown'. <br /> <br />The Heal th C ommi ttee had no rcq)or~~ to (,lake. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The Pl'inting Committee re:ported> i'our l'ir;:13 have been apDroached and <br />asked to present bids for printing the Ordinances of the City and that no bids <br />have yet been presented, althouch t.hey' hav'e looked. into t!:1G ifla'cter. <br /> <br />The Sewer Committee reported on the need of Sewers in the Amazon terr- <br />itor.)' .e;ast of Hillarnette and, a petition was presented from Jess DarliDg and <br />Sydney R. Allen, askin[: :jha t a seViS roe c ens tr'c.c te d in the area 'Je tv/een 19 th and <br />20th AvenlES from the se~er between ~earl and nigh Streets east to the alley <br />'Jetvleen .l:!'err.}' and Patterson Streets. IJ:he n18.tter-';ias dischssed and it was recommend <br />ed t~1ati such sewer and other needed sev./ers in Ghat area be constr-'_ccted. and assess- <br />ed as Sanitary Sewers. On motion such rerort was alopted. <br /> <br />The Police Comilli ttee re}Jorted the gas gU.m9 on 7th Avell1/_e East in :t"ront <br />of the liuth-Robertson place of busi11ess is ~~ot in-lcse, and S11gg.::sted t~1at tilissame <br />be reffiO ved. The Chief of Pol ice was ins tr1J_c ted to look lnt 0 the ma t tel~ and report. <br />Mayor 'dilliamson reported on the Howard Gas Pump which was n illegally constrlccted <br />p\.."mp [lnd stated Howard has aereecl to make c:1anges to u1eet the demands of the City. <br /> <br />The Mayor also re:porGed on the peti tion of I.Irs. -Larsen :["01' her claim for <br />I obstrl_cting the entraIlce to her garage by the new Auditorium buildinG and stated <br />I the matter has been adjusted between her and the contractor. <br /> <br />'l'~ report of S. M. Calkins was read on behal of himself and Mayor <br />VHlliamson as-delegates to the Leagt,-e of Oregon Cities and such report was duly <br />filed. <br /> <br />A letter was read from the Pacific Southwest Exposition inviting the <br />Mayor and Council to attend its services on 1.12.y 26, 1928. Such communication <br />was :i:'iled. <br /> <br />A communication vms read from Vi. H. Alexander, Ins:pector of Buildings <br />reQlc8stin the City to purchase one hundred copies of the Uniform building code. <br />On motion such petition was granted. <br /> <br />A letter was read. from Air~oort Engineering Service Company of' Los Angeles <br />explaining the Lee d of an airport as di st ingt.;.i shed f l~om a landing i' ie Id. Such <br />matter was referred to the City Engineer. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />A letter was read from the Oregon State Fire Chiefs Association <br />attention to its meeting to be held at Marshfield on June 7,8,9,1928. <br />Chief of the ~'ire Departmen twas direc ted to go and was illstl''G.C ted to use <br />, means to br'in2' the Assoc ia ti on to Lugene next year. <br />I '--' <br />II <br />\\ <br /> <br />calling <br />'l'he <br />all <br /> <br />d.ivision <br /> <br />A communication was received from the Lane County Court as to the <br />of expenses for the u9keep of the Comfort Station and asking the City <br /> <br />\11 <br />:1 <br /> <br />~' <br />