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<br /> ., . ~ <br />" 29 <br /> ,. <br /> .- - <br />ou .. -"_. - -~.- - <br /> An Ordinance approving and adopting the plans and specifications ot the City <br /> Engineer tor the improvement ot Indiana Avenue from the West line ot Agate Str'eet <br />J to the West line of Columbia Street in the City of Eugene, Oregon, by grading <br /> and graveling the same, was read the first time, and passeditssecond and third <br /> readings by title by unanimous consent under suspension'ot the rule; 'and was placed (\;) <br /> on its tinal passage. The ayes and nays were called, all present voting'aye, nay, ~ <br /> 'hone, absent Monroe. The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 7975. :~ <br /> An Ordinance to improve Taylor Street from the North line of Eighth Avenue <br /> West to a point 231 teet North of the North line of Eighth Avenue West, by grading <br /> and graveling the same, was read the firs~ time, and passed its second and third <br /> readings by title by unanimous consent under suspension of the rule, and was <br /> placed on its tinal passage. ~he ayes and 'nays were called, all present voting <br /> aye, n.ay,, ab se nt Monr oe ,. The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered <br /> 7976. <br /> An Ordinance approving and adopting the plans and specifications ot the City <br />., Engineer for the improvement o~ Taylor Street from the-North line ot ~ighth Avenue <br /> West to a point 231 teet North of the North line of Eighth Avenue West, by grad- <br /> ing and graveling the same, was read the first time, and passed its second and <br /> third readings by title by unanimous oonsent under suspension of the rule, and <br /> was placed on its tinal passage. The ayes and nays were called, all present vot- <br /> ing aye, nay, none, absent Monroe. The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered <br /> 7977. <br /> Councilman .Simon of the Police Gornmittee recommended that Royal B. Wilcox. <br /> be appointed as a patrolman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Frank <br /> Cronin, and that he be placed on the City pay roll at $125.00 per month, and that <br /> he begin work at once, and that Hal Hall and Eldon Darren be appointed as patrol~ <br /> man temporarily for a short periOd ot time at a salary ot $125.00 per month, and <br /> that the salaries for these men during time of there employment be drawn on the <br /> re~lar pay ro~l at the time regular City salaries are paid. Motion was made and <br /> seconded that the recommendation be ,adopted. The ayes and nays were called, all <br /> present voting ~e, nay, none, absent Monroe. , <br /> A motion was made and seconded that the matter of installation ot street <br />-I telephones and a light signal in connection wi th the Police Department be' reterred <br /> to the Police Coromi t tee wi th power to ac t. Motion carried. <br /> On motion the Council adjourned. <br /> R. S. Bryson, <br /> City Recorder. <br />.- <br /> . <br /> ...4 <br />