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<br />.~ <br />45 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />--~--;.."";.-~------._--:----~.__._-...-._------..-_.~- ~--- -.------- <br /> <br />"In view of the foregoing observations~ it is reoommended that: <br /> <br />1. The City of Eugene be authorized to install a flexible pro- <br />gressive traffio signal system to inoluie the following <br />interseotions: <br /> <br />~~. <br />:.;A~ <br /> <br />S beth and Wilme tte <br />Sewnth and Willamette <br />Eighth and WillaImtte <br />Broadway and Will~ette <br /> <br />2. That the signals oonform to the standard design and installa"bion <br />praotioe adopted by the State Hid1way Commission. This type of <br />installation is illustrated by -the attached sketch and may be <br />desoribed briefly as the three-oolor~ two-way (90 degree)~ far <br />right-hand corner installation. (Sketch filed in folder: Oregon <br />State Highway Commission~ Office of Cit,y Recorder). <br /> <br />Tenth and Willamette <br />Eleventh and Willamette <br />B roadway and Oak <br /> <br />;. That the hours of fixed time operation be set tentatively~ as <br />from 7:;0 A.M. to 8 P.M., and that at all times when not oper- <br />ating as fixed time signals, a flashing yellow indication be <br />gi ven to the main street and a flashing red indi cation to the <br />cross street. <br /> <br />4. That all stop signs be removed from interseotions oontrolled by <br />signals. <br /> <br />5. Tha. t all regula tory signs be ohanged to conform to standard <br />types.' This may be done as funds permit, but it is urged that <br />it be done as early as possible and that all replacemmts and <br />additions be of standard design. <br /> <br />6. One of two methods of control may be used. The first wwld be <br />to install an in'teroonnected system. This system would require <br />looal controllers at each interseotion, all connected by a super- <br />visory cable and controlled by a master oontroller located in <br />the Cit,y Hall or other oentral looati on. This method of control <br />is the most satisfaotory but is the most expensive. The master <br />oontroller would keep the looal oontrollers in step one with the <br />other. This is, of course, of paramount importanoe in a flexible <br />progressi ve system. The signals oould be turned on and off, <br />to flashing indioation, and to' the all-red indi cation for fire <br />apparatus, from the master oontroller. Also~ the total oycle oould <br />be regulated from the master controller. <br /> <br />The other method of oontrol would be to ins tall a non-interoon- <br />neoted system using synchronous motor'oontrollers at each inter- <br />section. This method is less expensive but does not equal the <br />other in performanoe. It would necessitate the installation of <br />a time switoh at eaoh intersection for the purpose of turning <br />the signals on and off and to flashing indication. With this <br />system, it would not be possible to oontrol the signals from a <br />oentral oontrol, to use the all-red indioation~ or to operate <br />them at hours other than those set on the time switches. <br /> <br />A flexible progressive system requ:tres that one intersection <br />operate in exact relationship with its neighboring intersections. <br />If the signals at one intersection get out; of step~ the entire <br />flow of traffio will be disrupted. This cannot happen with a <br />propert,y t~ed interoonnected system, but can easily ooour to a <br />nozwinterconneoted sYstem. Further ~ should one oontroller get <br />out of step with the others it is more difficult to adjust. <br /> <br />If the non-interconnected type of control is selected, the <br />specifioations should provide that the equipment be of a type <br />that can be ohanged to an inter-conneoted system if deemed ad- <br />visable at a later date. <br /> <br />While no recommendations are made as to change in parking res- <br />trictions, occasion is taken to remark that if signals are in- <br />stalled they oannot be expected to operate sucoessful~ if <br />double parking is tolerated to the s lightest degree. It <br /> <br />Letter from Albert D. Applegate holding the oi t,y responsible f>r the da.nages incurred to <br />his house at 22nd and Potter Street as a result of exoessive blasting by Chase Plumbing Company in <br />putting through a sewer line at an adjoining house, was referred to the Juiioiary CoIIDDittee and <br />City Attorney for study. Mr. Applegate estina ted -the damage at $74.00. <br /> <br />Upon motion made and duly seconded, the counoil ordered that the FElyment of $210.00 to <br />the Salvation Arnw for relief during the month of February be paid with the regular February bills <br />and the same consideration to be held for the Maroh payment and it was so ordered. <br /> <br />/27 <br /> <br />I 28 <br /> <br />Report for the month of January, 19;8 were received from the Engineer, Polioe and lane <br /> <br />.... <br />