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<br />~ 206 <br /> <br />AGREEMENT <br /> <br />WHEREAS, FLORENCE A. HANDSAKER heretofore commenced in the Circuit Court <br />:/i' of the State of Oregon for Lane C.ounty an action against the Ci ty of Eugene for dama es <br />~~ for alleged injur~es claimed to have been sustained by reason of the slipping of a <br />i:'<.V crutch on an iron lid. over a water pipe cut-off and in a sidewalk at No. 133 East. <br />r' '. <br />--.."" 11th street in Eugene, Oregon; and <br />".. '.;-, <br />.....1. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />WHEREAS, GENERAL CASUALTY CO. OF AMERICA (hereinafter for brevity sometime <br />called "C.ompanyU) issued t.o said C1 ty of Eugene (hereinafter for brevity some times <br />called "City"} a certain insurance policy, and within the time required by law said <br />Company made an appearance in said Court in the name of said City with the view of <br />defending said action, and on the assumption that the alleg.ed fact situation .set for h I <br />in said complaint was covered by the said insurance policy, but it is not -yet. aef-ini ely <br />determined whether said fact situation does in truth come within the terms of said <br />policy; and <br /> <br />W~REAS" it appears that in view of existing circumstances and the ~act <br />that said Company has by its attorney already appeared in the name of City, and it <br />now seems that it is advisable for said Company by its said attorney to continue <br />in the defense of said action in said Circuit Court; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE~ it is agreed between said Company and said City as foll~s <br /> <br />1. That said Company shall at its expense, as to its attorney and <br />witnesses, cause said action to be defended in said Court but by so doing said Comp- <br />any shall not be deemed to have waived its right to claim that said policy does not <br />cover said fact situation and action in said Bourt and does not obligate said <br />Company to pay any claim made by the plaintiff or to pay any judgment that may be <br />obtained in said action; and said company reserves all rights to disclaim any liabil <br />ity to said City under said policy and the fact situation, whatever it may be, and <br />said action. <br /> <br />2. If it is determined that the actual fact situation and the aforesaid <br />action come within the terms of and are cov~red by said policy said Company shall <br />in all'Tespects conform with the terms of said policy. <br /> <br />3. If it is determined by the parties hereto, or is otherwise lawfully <br />determined, that the fact situation and the action and claim for damages made by <br />said Florence A. Handsaker do not come within the terms of said policy and a judgmen. <br />is obtained against said City in said action, then said Company shall not be liable <br />for the payment of such judgment, and said City shall pay said judgment, if any <br />such judgment, and said City shall pay said judgment, if any such ~udgment is obtain d. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />4. Said City may, if it elects to do so, cause S, M. Calkins, its attorS <br />ney, to be associated in the aefense of said action; but if said City of Eugene <br />elects not to cause its said attorney to be associated in said defense~ such electio <br />shall not. be deemed to be an admission that said policy dows not require said Comp- <br />any to defend said ~ction and pay any resulting judgment, and such election whall <br />not be deemed to be a waiver by said. City of its right to assert any right or claim <br />which it otherwise might be entitled to assert. <br /> <br />lN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have subscribed these presents <br />this 5th day of June, 1939. <br /> <br />CITY OF EUGENE <br /> <br />-BY /s/ S. M. Calkins <br />- City Attorney <br /> <br />GENERAL CASUALTY CO. OF AMERICA <br /> <br />By /s/ L. T. Harris <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />A waiver signed by James C. and Charlotte Peebles for repairs on the <br />41 removal of scales on Park Street was presented and accepted by the Council. <br /> <br />WAIVER <br /> <br />WHEREAS~ heretofore the Common Council of the City of Eugene, upon <br />application of the owners of the following described property, to-wit~ <br /> <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 7, in Block? of that part <br /> <br />of the City df Eugene, Lane County, Oregon which was originally <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br />