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<br /> ~ <br /> 373 <br /> - - - - ,- , -- .~--- ----~ .. -,- - .....-.--. - - ---.- . - - - --- --~._~ --. ~ -. -- --. __ - _.. ~ -c. .__,"_~..._~_._ ._~. _ ~.__.______...._ _ ~__"" ___ _.....-_""_"" <br /> --- - ~ - . --- - --- .- - -- -- " ,- <br /> 10 nay: none; absent: Hanns. It was declared unanimously approved. <br /> I Councilman Carlson stated it was his understanding there were provisions <br /> to prevent the burning of leaves, etc. upon the approved streets of the City of ,1:,,:) <br /> Eugene and if that were correct he felt that notice should be given to the people ~.J <br /> of the city that the ordinance would be enforced. He further requested the .l; -;, <br /> ',w <br /> 17 newspapers to give this matter publicity. '" <br /> The Board of Appeals reported receiving a request from Mildred Ryan aSking <br /> for a permit to erect a residence on the rear of her lot at 950 11th Avenue West. <br /> This house would still be within the 30% coverage limit of the lot as originally <br /> purchased. However, the Board recommends that the request be denied. This <br /> I I request was presented at the beginning of the meeting, Par. 4, and referred to the <br /> 18 City Attorney and Judiciary' Committee. <br /> Request was received from A. H. Wishart aSking permission to place a <br /> lunch car on the vacant spot at the end of the Oregon Feed and Seed Store at Fifth <br /> and High Streets, the sink to be connected to water and sewer. The Board <br /> recommends that the request be granted' on condition that the car be left on the <br /> wheels and that he take out a building permit. Motion was made and seconded <br /> 19v- unanimously approving the recommendation of the Board of Appeals. <br /> Request was received from Charles L. Paine asking for the re-zoning of the <br /> lot at the south-east corner of the intersection of Olive Street and 13th Avenue, <br /> the house to be moved off and the lot used as a used-car market. The Board recommen s <br /> that this request be denied. Councilman Bond spoke in behalf of allowing the used <br /> car lot to go in on this corner. Councilmen Carlson and Barette spoke in favor <br /> of the Board of Appeals recommendation. Councilman Farrington made a motion <br /> seconded by Councilman Stewart to accept the recommendation of the Board of Appeals <br /> 20- and the motion was duly carried. Hence the request was denied. <br /> A request was received from Jmues A. Rodman asking for a waiver of required <br /> "set-back" on 21st Avenue on the west side of University Street to' permit the <br /> erection of a new home. This request is accompanied by a recommendation from E. R. <br /> Bryson and Robert W. Prescot, owners of adjoining property. The Bbard recommends <br /> 21/ that this request be granted and motion was made and seconded unanimoUSly approving <br /> I the recommendation of the Board. <br /> In regard to the piece of property at the southwest corner of the inter- <br /> section of Fifteenth Avenue and Ferry Street, sold by the City to Mr. Eveard Fish, <br /> the Board is recommending that he be allowed a waiver of the set-back on Ferry Stree <br /> to Fifteen feet. Motion was made and seconded unanimously approving the recomrnenda- <br /> 22"- tion of the Board. <br /> Request was received from Goldie A. Burkhart asking for permission to <br /> conduct her beauty parlor business in the residence at the southwest corner of the <br /> intersection of 11th Avenue and Jefferson Street. ' As this is in the multiple family <br /> zone, the Board recommends that this request be refused. Motion was made and second d <br /> 23 unanimously approving the recommendation of the Board. <br /> Par 24 is <br /> below 25 Request was received from Lyle Burdick asking for a permit to remodel his <br /> residence at 1262 West Fifth Avenue into two apartments, the only exterior change <br /> being to enclose a part of the front porch. The Board recommends that this request <br /> be denied. Councilman Farrington spoke in behalf of granting the request. City <br /> Engineer Clubb reported that the Board of Appeals had denied the request because <br /> of the good quality of adjacent residences within the district. Councilman Farring- <br /> ton replied that at least six property owners immediately adjacent to the Burd~ck <br /> property approved granting the request. Councilman Stewart spoke favorably of the <br /> request and stated that'several neighbors had stated they had no objections to the <br /> construction. Councilman Farrington made a motion seconded by Stewart that the <br /> request should be granted and upon a call for the question, all councilmen present <br /> I voted aye with the exception of Councilman Carlson who voted no. The request was <br /> 25 declared granted. <br /> Request was received from Roy V. Baldwin for the World War Veterans State <br /> Aid Commission asking for a permit to convert the house at 1404 Twenty-First <br /> Avenue East into a four apartment house. The Board recommends that this request be <br /> 24... denied. Motion was made and seconded approving the recommendation of the Board. <br /> Communication was presented signed by E. R. Frank and J. L. Reynolds <br /> I requesting the council's consideration in the rezoning of East Broadway West from <br /> the Mill Race to High Street to allow business structures in-this area. A resolutio <br /> transmitting to the Planning Commission a proposal to change the classification of <br /> this area and directing the Planning Commission to adopt a tentative report and to <br /> hold hearing thereon, was presented and upon motion made and seconded it was <br /> 2tf unanimously adopted. Councilman Stewart stated that he wishe~ to be heard when the <br /> proper time came for hearing of this request. <br /> RESOLUTION <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City"of <br /> Eugene that there is hereby transmitted to the Planning <br /> , <br /> ~ -- ~- ~ <br />