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<br />~ <br />589 <br /> <br />- -~..... - -.-.-. -. -- - - <br />--~------ ----- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Bond also report~d that there was need for another filing cabinet <br />in the Police Department. 'l'his cabinet could be purchased for $36.75 and he was <br />16~ making a motion to buy it. This motion was seconded by Brownson and carried. <br /> <br />Councilman Stewart brought up the matter of sick leave for city employees. <br />He said the recent action of allowing employees six days during the year for <br />sickness only mentioned th~ street department and he thought it should extend to <br />all city employees. Motion was made by;,-:'l,Br. owns onr'! and seconded by Barette that all <br />17 Ii'. city employees be allowed six days a year on account of sickness with pay. <br /> <br />The Sewage'Disposal report, Police Department, Engineer's'and Police <br />Matron's reports for the month of December, 1941 were read and ordered placed on <br />18 ,file. <br /> <br />,'.:::..., <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The Milk Inspector's report was read and after seading it, Councilman Bond <br />asked what ,the extent of the restaurant inspection was. Councilman Hawn also <br />brought up the question of the cracked dishes and cups at th~ restaurants and <br />wondered if the:"ci ty did not have an ordinance against this. Counc ilman Brownson <br />stated that previously there had been a detailed report by the health board but <br />the recommendations in this report had been tabled temporarily. He st2ted that <br />with only a part time health officer, there was not much that could be done <br />regarding the restaurant inspections and that without some definite set up, no <br />material improvement could be made. Mr. Brownson also stated that tl.iere was a <br />state inspector who had worked in town and had closed some places on account of <br />conditions, but that he did not think our milk inspector had been very firm even <br />19' some places where improvements should be made. <br /> <br />The Electrical Inspector, Mr. Carlisle, handed in a report which was read <br />at this time. Councilman Stewart stated he had aE3ked the e-lectrical inspector to <br />make a report in order to determine about the inspection of the electrical wiring <br />in the old buildings. He stated this was ~ very good report but he hoped in the <br />20 ~uture the inspector' would be able to devote more time to checking the old wiring. <br /> <br />A rE?solution regarding the change of the fine in the dog ordinance No. 8696 <br />was read. Attorney Calkins pointed out that the city's ordinance as passed <br />provided for a $25.00 penalty whereas the state law set a limit of $10.00 and <br />this resolution should be adopted to correct this ordinance. Motion was made and <br />21?-seconded and the resolution adopted. <br /> <br />R E 8,0 L UTI 0 N <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Common Couuncil of the City of Eugene <br />on the 14th day of Ootober, 1941 passed Ordinance No. 8696 <br />providing for the licensing of dogs; which ordinance provides <br />in Section 7 that upon conviction of a violation of the ordinance <br />the person shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 <br />and the costs of the presecution, and ' <br /> <br />WHEREAS, through a typog~ap~ical error the figure <br />"$25.00" was written where the ordinance actually provided <br />for "$10.00". <br /> <br />Therefore <br /> <br />The Recorder is hereby instructed and directed to <br />correct Section 7 of said ordinance to read"---by a fine <br />of not less than $5.00 nor more than $10.00." <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Curb cut' number 932 was granted at 1924 Hilyard Street as recorumended by <br />Engineer Clubb. The curb cut number 933 at 271 East 6th Avenue was granted as <br />recommended by Engineer Clubb as follows: 30 foot cut, 40 fCbiDt cut and 30 foot cut <br />22\l! on 6th Avenue. <br /> <br />A letter from Weikko M. Rasanen was read in which he asked damages on <br />account of running into fallen limbs caused by the silver thaw. The letter was <br />23 ~ ordered placed on file. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mayor Large stated the Chamber of Commerce had supplied the city with <br />cards so that employees might designate amounts to be deducted from their salaries <br />to buy defense bonds. Mayor Large stated there had been talk of the government <br />making this procedure mandatory but that so far nothing had been done along that <br />line. He stated however if any of. the city employees cared to designate sums to <br />be deducted from salaries to buy stamps and bonds, the Recorder could make the <br />24 1i\deductions. <br /> <br />The Recorder reported a letter from the Aetna Life Insurance Company dated <br />December 17, 1941. The letter the life insurance company wrote pointed out that <br />if city employees entered any branch of the military service an additional premium <br />of $50.00 per year per $1,000 would be charged and this extra premium of $50.00 <br />would be subject to change at any time. The letter stated that $10,000 government <br />insurance was available and it was the recommendation of the Aetna Life Insurance <br />Company that ifcity employees entered any of the military services, the group life <br /> <br />~ <br />