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I <br /> I <br /> I A request from "the War Department, army Engineers, signed by Dan E. Meldrum, <br /> I asking tor a lease of the new airport, and asking that a resolution authorizing <br /> 32 '; <br /> . I the Mayor to sign such a lease was read. A resolution authorizing the signing of <br /> i this lease was read and on motion made, seconded, and carried, was adopted. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> RESO~UTI.Q.! <br /> / <br /> WHEREAS, heretofore a.g.d on_April 1,1942 the City of Eugene entered into a <br /> lease with United Airline~ for an airport station and use of its airfield located <br /> on Sections ,5 and 6 in Township 17 South Range 4 West of the Wi~lamette Meridian <br /> and <br /> , <br /> I +. ~ - WHEREAS, the United States of America h~sapplied to the City of Euge~e <br /> I :.,.~, <br /> i fora lease commencing June 1, 1942 and terminating June 30, 1943 upon .the <br /> airfield and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Eugene with the understanding that the Government has <br /> paramount and prior rights to the use of the city's airpor~ and airfield subject <br /> only to actual ownerships of buildings and existing leases, therefore, <br /> BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Eugene that the City <br /> of Eugene does hereby lease and let unto the United States of America its airport <br /> and airfield located upon Sections 5 and 6 of Township 17 South Range 4 West of <br /> the Willamette Meridian, 'subject only to outstanding leases and ownership .of <br /> , buildings in the control of the City, and the Mayor of Eugene is hereby designated <br /> by the Common Council and authorized and directed to represent the City and make, <br /> execute and deliver that certain lease dated the 23rd day of June, 1942 between <br /> : the City of Eugene and The United States of America. <br /> I . The Committee of Koppe, . Farrington, and Bond, appointed b~ 'Mayor Large at a <br /> , <br /> , meeting held on June 8th, regarding records to be kept in the Recorder's ,office <br /> 33; for the monthly Payroll repvrted that they had a resolution regarding this matter <br /> drawn' up. The resolution was read at this time and on motion made and seconded I <br /> the resolution was adopted. <br /> R'E SOL UTI 0 N <br /> i ---------.... <br /> i the Council desires that more complete records shall be kept showing <br /> I WHEREAS, <br /> ! the time each employee is entitled to pay for any given month, and any deductions <br /> ~ to be made therefrom before the delivery of the pay-roll, <br /> i <br /> I: BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Eugene that the head of each department shall <br /> i deliver to the Recorders office Q.q. the last day; of each month a signed pay-roll <br /> I <br /> I sheet showing the number of dayse~~h employee has worked during the month, the <br /> \ <br /> I <br /> '\ '", <br /> ...... ': <br /> " <br />