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<br />r2 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />4/27/64 <br /> <br />Mr. Hugh Wood was present and outlined his proposal for the improvement of his property at 1831 Kincaid <br />Street relative to proposed building construction and ut ilizat{on of the parking area and the need for <br />the oversize curb cut of 45 feet he had requested instead of the present '12-,foot cut. On discussion. by <br />the Council, the question was asked of Mr. Wood if. a 5-year period would, be suff.icient :for him to com- <br />plete the .entir~' projeci as he had outlined"it, and if he would ~e ag~ee~ble to ~igning a~ agree~ent <br />with the City for the comple.tion' or the project. Upon receiving an affirmative ansy.rer, Mr'. Chatt <br />moved sec,onded by Mrs. Lauri's tog1;"ant the oversize curb cut. as requested 'providing" Mr ~ Wood signed an <br />agreement with the City of the development of the project as he had' over the' 5-yeC;lr' period. <br />Motion carried, Mr. Swanso~ voting no. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />3.' Parking Prohibition, west side 01 Baker Boulevard from 28th north - Mr. Robert' J. Reilly ~ <br />of 2794 Baker Boulevard requested that the recently-installed parking prohibition on the <br />west sid~ of Baker Boulevard from 28th north be repealed. ,However, since. the prohibition <br />affects 'other resident's of the area who were not present a't the meeting, it was recom- <br />mended that, and moved by Mr. Christensen seconded by Mr. Crakes to hold the item to . <br />another meeting and give other people in the area involved an opportunity to be heard. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />4. Curb Cut, 21st and Olive, Rams"t,ead - Du'ring construction w,ork at Mr. Gordon Rams,tead's' <br />prope'rty at 21st and 'Olive, the 'curb. had not been 're'placed', a.nd .the application 'for a <br />permit ha.d not been written. The Council had viewed th.e prop'ert'y, and' Mr. Christensen <br />moved sec'onded by Dr. Purdy that the Public Works' Department start proceedings to re'- <br />place the curb and assess the cost of the installation against Mr. Ramstead's property. <br />Motion carried... <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />5. Planning Commission Report' - March 23, 1964 . <br />a. AnnexatTon, Garden Way' Area, Braa'tz-Ruhenst'ein '-. The Plan'ning Commission had <br />recommen'ded approval of the a'nnex,atio:n of an ar.ea south of Harlow R,ciad and <br />west of Interstate 5 on both side's of Garden Wa'y, but excluding the'Vincent <br />property on Honey,suckle .Lane inasmuch as its inclu,sion would creat.e a small <br />one-lot island dUll,out'side the City., Mr. Dev,erell mov'ed sec'onde'd by Dr.Purdy <br />to approve the annexation as recommended by the Planning Commission whicn ex- <br />cludes the Vincent property. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Mrs. Lauiis moved sec'onded by Mr. Chatt that Items 3, 4, and 5a o'f the Commit'tee re"pcirt be approved. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />6. Abatement, 1601 West 7th, 660 and 676 Fillmore, Collins2- An extension on the original <br />abatement order on the buildings at the above locations .from January 13, <br />April 1, 1964 had expired with no action having been taken by th~ owner. . The ~~per- <br />i"nten'dent of Building Inspection recommended that 'the City proceed with the abatemeu"t'- <br />Mr. Christensen moved seconded by Dr. Purdy to approve the abatement proceedings. <br />Motion carried. . <br /> <br />Mr. Collins was present at the meeting and stated that he had completely torn out ~he faulty wiring <br />and had made other improvements and now felt that his property meets the. building depar,tment.,'regula- <br />tions ana asked if another inspection could be made. Mr. Swanson moved 'seconded by Mr'-Chatt that <br />Item 6 of the Committee report be held over for 30 days. Motion carried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Coll~ns w~s informed the building department would make 'another inspection of 'his premises. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />7. Building Code Amendment, Door Closers - The Eugene Spr~ngfiela Home .Builder~ Associa~ <br />tion had suggested the removal' of the requiremerit for closers on doors fran 'house to <br />garage. The Bui~ding Department recommended deletion of the requirement from the <br />Code, and Dr. Purdy moved seconded by Mr. Crakes that the door closer requirement be <br />deleted from the Building Code. Motion'carried. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Mrs. Lauris moved seconded by Mr. Chatt that Item 7 of the ~ommittee report be approved. Motion car- <br />ried. <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />8. Tele-Trip Co.,Inc., Lease, Mdhlon Sweet - The City Manager presented a proposed agree- <br />ment between Tele-Trip Co.,Inc., and the City of Eugene concerriing sale of flight in- <br />surance t,hrough coin-op,erated v:ending ma,c hines and over-the-counter issuance of <br />policies 'at the new tet~inal briildirig at Ma,hlon Sweet Airpqrt: Tele~Trip will pay' <br />to the City of Eugene ori a 'monthlybasis 13% ofa,ll insurarice'premi,ums plus $l~ per <br />month per coin-operated machirie (maximum two). "The term of the lease is for ari in- <br />definite .perio'd but maybe termiriated by either' 'party on 'si,xty ,(6Q) days written <br />notice. :Mr. Christensen ~oved seconded 'by Dr. Purdy to approve the lea'se agreement'. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />Mrs. Lauris moved seconded .by" Mr ~ Cqatt that It~m 8 ,of th~ C'ommi'tt~e .reportbe approved. 11otion car- <br />ried on rollcall vote, all councilmen pre'sent votirig aye. . <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />9. Fire Trucks. Lane County Museum The "City Manager read 'a leeter from the Lane County <br />Museum requesting the donation by the City of Eugene to the Museum of two pieces of <br />fire fighting equipment which will be retired from the very near future. <br />Mr. Christensen moved seconded by Dr. Purdy. 'to appro've .the dona'tion of these :two pieces' <br />of 'apparatus .to the Lane County Pionee~ Museum. Motiori carried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />~ <br />