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<br />~ <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />0/+1 <br /> <br />4/29/69 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />e. Gilham Raad fram Ca1 Yaung to. Holly - The Manager explained that this is a majar access <br />raad fa Ca1 Yaung Juniar High Schaal, ~nd gets same elementary pedestrian traffic <br />gaing to. Meda1ark Schaal. There are no. shaulders and the city is in the pracess of buy~'. <br />ing additiana1 right af way to. have a 60' right af way with 40' paving curb to. curb.' <br />36' wau1d be assessed against abutting praperty awners and the city wau1d pay the <br />remainder. <br /> <br />Mr.. Gribskav maved secanded by Mr. Teague to. initiate the impravement praject. In <br />answer to. a questian from Mrs. Bea1, the Manager said the majarity of pedestrian <br />traffic at the narth partion is juniar high students, and fencing af pedestrian ways <br />has nat been a prab1em. Dr. Purdy suggested that, since fencing wau1d be a separate <br />praject, the Caunci1 wait and take a loak at the avera11 problem. <br /> <br />A vate was taken an the matian and the matian carried. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Mrs; Hayward maved secanded by Mr. McDonald to. approve Items 4a, '4b, 4c, 4d and 4e af the Cammittee <br />Repart. Matian carried. <br /> <br />S. Optians on Gilham Road Right of Way - The Public Works Department has requested authar- <br />ization to. purchase right af way an Gilham Raad to. gain' a tata1 af.60' width. The <br />fa11awing sites and purchase prices are recammended: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />a. 2080 Gilham Raad <br />b. 1960 Gilham Raad <br />c. 1940 Gilham Raad <br />d. Raute 2, Bax 330 <br />e. 1680 GIlham Raad <br /> <br />$290.00 <br />140.00 . <br />180.00 <br />270.00 <br />210.00 <br /> <br />Mrs. Hayward maved seconded by Dr. Purdy that the faregaing aptians be exercised an <br />Gilham Raad. . Matiarl" 2arried~, <br /> <br />Mrs. Hayward maved secanded by Mr. McDana1d to. apprave Items Sa, 'Sb, Sc, Sd and Se 0.( the Committee <br />repart. Ra11ca11. All caunci1men present vating aye, the matian carried. <br /> <br />6. Candemnation, Sewer Easement - Public Warks Department has requested autrrarizatian to. <br />praceed with candemnatian of sewer "easement between'Agate and Emerald, south fram 27th <br />thraugh praperty awned by Steinmetz. Awarding af a cantract far sanitary sewer far that <br />area has made this actian necessary. Agreement has nat been reached, butnegatiatians <br />will cantinue. <br /> <br />Mr. Gribskov maved secan'ded by Mrs. Bea 1 that the Caunci1 authar.ize candemnatian af <br />praperty for. sewer easement between Agate and Emera 1d, 'sauth of 27th, said praperty awned <br />by Steinmetz. Matian carried. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hayward moved secanded by Mr. McDana1dta approve Item 6 of the Committee.repart. Rallca1l. <br />All caunci1men present vating aye, the mation carried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />7. Traffic Diverters - Public Warks Department has suggested insta11atian of traffic diverters <br />far passib1e solutian af residential traffic prab1ems. Temparary insta11atian would cast <br />approximately $360.00, with ultimate cast af appraximate1y $3,200 when.mad~ permanent. <br />Directar of Public Works recammends a site be chasen far demonstratian purpases, and <br />that the P1annin$ Commission be cansu1ted as to. 1acatian af passib1e site~. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hayward maved secanded by Dr. Purdy to. autharize the Department of Public Works to. <br />go. ahead with this praject, and to. request 'the Planning Cammis'sion to. suggest sites far <br />trial insta11atian. . Matian carr'ied. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hayward maved secanded by Mr. McDana1d to.' apprave Item 7 af the Cammittee repart. Matian <br />carried. <br /> <br />8. Casebier Lawsuit - The Manager explained that same time ago. a lawsuit was instituted <br />against two. city pa1ice afficers for false arrest. The suit was triea in Circuit Caurt, <br />and Mr. Casebier was awarded $S,OOO by the Court. The City appealed the case to. the <br />supreme caurt. The City Attarney's affice has been negatiating with Mr. Casebier;and <br />his attarney reg"arding' a settlement af the case. .The City Attarney explained the lawsuit <br />filed against the City and anather case braught against the city far malic~ous prasecu- <br />tian. There are several very valid reasans for appeal, but there are same real prab1ems <br />af law inva1ved. Mr. Casebier has talked to. the Mayar and Caunci1men and wants to. settle <br />the case. The City Attarney recarrnnends the judgment be paid in settlement 'af this <br />matter. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />In answer to. a question fram Dr. Purdy, the Manager said the City did nat have false <br />arrest insurance at the time af this incident, but is naw cavered. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hayward maved secanded by Mr'. Gribskav 'that' the City drop this .appea1.and pay the <br />judgment, as recammended by the City Attarney. <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />Mr. Ken Marraw, a ttarney far the, participant in. the secand tt:i:a 1., said the defendant <br />expressed appreciatian far the suppart af the Caunci1 an~ staff, and requested a settle- <br />ment be appraved an the basis af dismissal af the civil case, sa that judgment daes nat <br />exist against the pa1ice officer. The Attarney said acceptance af such a prapasa1 is <br />unlikely, but he will appraach Mr. Caseb.ier with a sett1emen, based an Mr.' Marraw' s <br />request. It was ~gr~ed, hawever, that this wau1d nat be an afficia1 canditian far <br />settlement. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />4/29/69 - 5 <br /> <br />I~ ... <br />