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<br />e <br /> <br />"'ll <br /> <br />678 <br /> <br />4/26/71 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />4/14/71 <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />1 <br />I, <br /> <br />I <br />1 <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />,I <br />1 <br /> <br />. ...~.,__ _,_...-~n_'...c...-._ ." ...._ ._"~ '._ <br />L. Narthwest Christian Callege, 75th Ani1iversary'';'" Mana.ger~,said Narthwest Christian Callege <br />wi 11 ce leESra te its '75 tb. AniJi versaI1j and has reques ted an expressian af Caunci 1 at ti tude <br />regarding use af billbaards at entrances to. the City calling attentian to. this <br />anniversary and saying that the city af Eugene cangratulates them arid welcames <br />visitars to. aur cammunity. . <br /> <br />Mayar Andersan <br />west Christian <br /> <br />and as long as <br /> <br />said he did nat persanally see anything warng with this. <br />Callege has been a gaad citizen af the cammunity far many <br />the billboard was legal, there was no. reason it cauld not <br /> <br />Narth- <br /> <br />years, <br />be used. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal was cancerned this might set a precedent, and the Cauncil wauld be <br />expected to. welcame all sarts af conventians. Mayar Andersan pointed aut that this <br />was an accasian af a diamand jubilee. Manager said it does nat invalve a canventian, <br />but merely infarms visitars that Narthwest Christian Callege has been in the City far <br />75 years. <br /> <br />It was the Cauncil cansensus that, far this accasian, they. would be willing to. have <br />this dane. apprave <br /> <br />Cauncilman Hershner felt that Cauncil actian had been to. apprave this item, rather than file, <br />as shawn an the Agenda. Manager agreed and stated that this will be carrected in the minutes. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />11 <br />I <br /> <br />! <br /> <br />M. <br />4/21/71 <br /> <br />N. <br />4/21/71 <br /> <br />I <br />II <br />II <br />J <br />I <br />I <br />\ <br /> <br />O. <br />4/21/71 <br /> <br />P. <br />4/21/71 <br /> <br />Q. <br />4/21/71 <br /> <br />II <br />II <br />j <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Ij <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Ii <br />!I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />! <br /> <br />Award, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority - Mayor Andersan read a letter fram Lane <br />Regianal Air Pal1utian Autharity enclasing an achievement award far the city af Eugene <br />in recagnitian af pragress achieved in preventing air pa11utian by banning backyard <br />burning and passing stringent rules an autamabile emissians. file <br /> <br />Cauncil Agenda - Cauncilman Mahr suggested than an advance agenda far regular meetings <br />wauld be helpful to. the news media. He suggested that a simple enumeratian be <br />farwarded to. the press well in advance sa they wauld have sametmillgg cancrete to. <br />wark with. Ed Kenyan felt advance natice-"wauld be beneficial .ta the Cauncil as well as <br />to. the news media. file <br /> <br />Sugge'stian far Employment af Students, Summer Help - Cauncilman Mahr asked far a staff <br />repart abaut emplayment patential within Eugene. He asked that a special effart be <br />made to. pravide summer jabs, and that casts and budget implicatians be included in <br />the repart, alang with infarmatian an what has been dane and what we are daing. <br /> <br />file <br /> <br />Mayar Andersan agreed that stydent emplayment shauld be emphasized, <br />thipk the 'City shauld became an emplayment agency, as such. Oregan <br />Service has that respansibility. <br /> <br />but did nat <br />State Emp1ayment <br />file <br /> <br />BRING Open Hause - BRING Organization, which was farmed ta,recycle waste praducts, has <br />invited members af the Cauncil to. an apenhause-grand apening 1:00 p.m., April 24 <br />at the BRING warehause. file <br /> <br />Repart an summer emplayment af students - In response to. a Cauncil request far a repart <br />an what might be dane to. pravide summer emplayment far yauths af high and callege age, <br />and what the City is presently daing, the Persannel Directar surveyed department heads, <br />and has a prapasal far emplayment planned under the present budget and the number af <br />additianal persans the City cauld emplay if additianal funds'were budgeted. <br /> <br />Councilman Mahr cammented that this was a critically impartant pragram, and that every <br />effort"shauld be made to. emplay the additianal peaple the City cauld use. <br /> <br />City Manager pointed aut that it wauld be necessary to. pravide additianal funds af <br />appraximately $38,000 far emplayment af addi tianal persans. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal requested that the Manager pravide the budget cammittee with facts and <br />figures at its next meeting. <br /> <br />file <br /> <br />R. Planning Caamllssian Appraval af Urban Service Area cancept - Planning Cammissian <br />infarmed the Cauncil that it had taken preliminary actianan the adapted matian <br />af Central Lane Metrapalitan Study Cammissian with respect to. the "Urban Service <br />Cancept," and that this actian will be finalized at the time the 1990 General Plan <br />is recammended far adaptian by the CityCauncil. <br /> <br />file <br /> <br />I <br />Ij <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />j <br />I <br />II <br /> <br />Mr. Teague maved secanded by Mr. Mahr that the Cauncil act as indicated to. accept, apprave, affirm <br />ar file the items listed abave. Rallcall vate. All cauncilmen present vating aye, the matian <br />carried. <br /> <br />VI. Items nat previausly discussed <br />A. Jaint Ad-hac Subcammittee with EW~B to. Discuss Charge to. City far Water Main Size <br />Charge far Flre Flaw Capaclty <br />Manager had written EWEB requesting cansideratian af a change in pracedure regarding <br />aversize water mains. The City feels the larger mains will became necessary far cansumer <br />use, and requested cansideratian af cessatian in charge to. the City far the aversize <br />main far fire flaw capacity. The Water Baard has appainted a cammittee and' asked <br />far a meeting with a Cauncil subcammittee'ta discuss the matter. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />!! <br /> <br />4/26/71 - 11 <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />..01 <br />