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<br />" <br /> <br />- <br /> <br /> williams said be' th:i.nks this is a logical area in which to. aperate <br />a schaal safety patral and wandered why the Schaal Baard is appased to. that <br />kind af safe can duct . Manager said this lias been discussed a 'number af times <br />with the schaal administratian and he understands the decisian as to. partici- <br />patian in the schaal safety patrals is left ,to. the indi vidual schaal princi- <br />pals. Generally they are nat in favar af this type af resalutian. <br /> <br />Mr. Williams said because af the cast in damage to. the area far new sidewalks <br />ar barriers in the street, seriaus cansideratian shauld be given to. use af <br />schaal safety patrals and asked if the Schaal Baard cauld be cantacted to. can- <br />sider that passibility. Mrs. Campbell said in canversatian with the Dunn <br />Schaal principal it was discavered that parents abject to. havdmg ll-year ald <br />schaal children anpatral because af the fast dawnhill traffic in that area. <br />She said there is no. arganizatian cannected with the schaal to. wark with. <br /> <br />It was understaad the staff wauld contact the Schabl Administratian and raise <br />the questian regarding use af school bay patrols. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />G. Resalutian Supparting H.R.11950, Intergavernmental Fiscal Ca-ardinatian Act - <br />Mayar Andersan asked the Council's endarsement af a resalutian in support af <br />legislatian which is naw being considered by the House Carrmrittee on Ways and <br />Means under the chairmanship af Wilbur Mills. Mr. Andersan said the National <br />League af Cities has pledged support af the legislatian which pravides far a <br />fi ve-year pragram making $3.5 billian available to. lacal gavernments and <br />$1.8 billian to. be distributed among the states based an urbanizatian and <br />number af low~incame families. He stressed the impartance af the legislatian <br />since it appears to. be the anly revenue sharing bill which is apt to. be <br />enacted this sessian. It will pravide funds directly to. the ci ties and <br />counties rather than. coming thraugh the states. <br /> <br />Mrs. Campbell asked if it is the same asendarsed by the League af Oregan <br />Ci ties. Manager replied that this bill has been put tagether since the <br />League meeting, and al tho. ugh the principle is the same it is nat the same <br />pragram. <br /> <br />The original resalution was signed by ,the Co. unci 1 members individually, and <br />it was understaad a copy wauld be sent to. each of the members of the Hause <br />Carrmrittee an Ways and Means and the Oregan delegatian. <br /> <br />H. Raam Tax Allacatian - Mrs. Campbell 'asked far a camplete financial repart <br />an allacatian afroam, tax receipts, an autline af pracedure far requesting <br />funds fram raam tax receipts far the purpase af determining whether ar-:' <br />ganizatians receiving the funds meet standards and palicies af the comndttee, <br />and clarificatian af the fiscal year used ,by the corrmri ttee. Manager said <br />the fiscal year daesn't have much bearing an allacatian af that maney since <br />the incame is greater than the allacatian. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Mrs. Campbell said there is questian aflapse af time between applicatian <br />far funds' and time the check is sent to., the arganizati'on. Assistant City <br />Manager said if reference is to. the last discussian an this subject, theraam <br />tax carrmrittee' s . understanding an that particular arganizatian' s request was <br />that it was requested same seven ar eight manths priar to. the time needed, <br />sa they did nat call a meeting to. cansider that applicatian. He said the <br />camndttee is'prepared to. meet 'with any bana fide applicant upan a request <br />far prampt actian, athezwise applicatians are handled rautinely. <br /> <br />Further discussion revealed guidelines have been set up and applicatian <br />form to request funds prepared, and that the procedure for determining <br />eligibili ty is pro. vi ded in the Charter amendment. Mrs. 'Campbell asked <br />what pracedure is followed when asking for supplemental funds, and Manager <br />said the same pracedure is fallawed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I. Selectian' af Council Member :(>Gribskav Vacancy) - Cauncilman Mahr reminded <br />ather Cauncil members that first reviewaf applicatians far the Cauncil <br />pasi tian recently vacated by Ivan Gribskav is scheduled far Wednesday, <br />March 8, 1972,ait 11:00 a.m. in the Mayar's affice. Manager said applica- <br />tians will be reviewed after taday to. be sure af legal eligibility and then <br />they will be duplicated and mailed to. Cauncil members far review priar to. <br />the Wednesday meeting. <br /> <br />J. 1990 General Plan Hearing - Manager said the Wednesday, March 8, 1972, ca~ <br />mittee meeting will be set aside far briefing sessian af the'1990 General <br />Plan. He said March 22, 1972 appears to. be a sui table date far Lane Caunty <br />Commissian and Springfield Cauncil far jaint hearing af theP lan. Sa it is <br />scheduled far 7:30 p.m. an ,that date. <br /> <br />,. <br />~) t) <br /> <br />Camm <br />3/1/72 <br />Affirm <br /> <br />'- <br /> <br />Camm <br />3/8/72 <br />Affirm <br /> <br />Camm <br />3/1/72 <br />File <br /> <br />Camm <br />3/1/72 <br />File <br /> <br />Camm <br />3/1/72 <br />File <br /> <br />3/13/72 <br />