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<br /> Q. Housing Dispersal Policy Plan - Planning Commission on July 22, 1974 recommended I <br /> Coun~il approval by resolution of Housing Dispersal Policu Plan submitted by the \ <br /> Joint Housing Committee, copies of which were distributed to Council members. i <br /> e Assistant Manager proposed scheduling discussion ot' the Plan at.the September 4 I <br /> committee meeting. <br /> Pat Decker, comprehensive planning, reviewed the policy statements submitted. <br /> :She said it W?lS proposed that dispersed housing would be restricted to subsidized <br /> ,housing for families having annual incomes less than $7,000, excluding elderly I <br /> , <br /> .and student populations because needs of those two groups appeared to call for I <br /> ! <br /> 'concentrations near specific types of services. Subsidized housing-sliou-lq be ! <br /> ,discouraged in- planning districts (defined and mapped in the plan document) in j <br /> which existing subsidized housing exceeded twice the percentage for the city~as---J. <br /> a whole (2x4.4% in 1973). Also, any planning distjrict with subsidized housing I <br /> I <br /> 'units less than one-half the city's percentage would be considered high priprity I <br /> ! <br /> distri,cts-for- location of subsidized housing. With regard to spacing within dis- , <br /> r&r~cts, it was pro~osed that .subsidized units would-constitute no more than 20% <br /> of the units in'a -si-ngye-famil-y-,subdivision, no than three such units could I <br /> I <br /> adjoin, and there would be no size_lj,mit on single-family supdiv:ision-containing I <br /> subsidized units. Further, that wi th}n~subsi-di-:ieamu':' t1.pte-::'famiIy developm~nts I <br /> there would be no more than 80 units, and no project of more than 40 units would f <br /> be located wi thin a one-half mile radius of any existing project of more .than i <br /> 40 units, and no more than two small projects could be located within a one-ha~f <br /> imile radius of each other. <br /> e Ms. Decker explained further additional criteria for spacing and proportionate <br /> I number of subsidized units in individual multiple-family structures. And the <br /> Joint Housing Committee, in the plan document, recommended a continued policy of <br /> budgeting city funds to assist in }~nd acquisition or de~elopment costs in high <br /> priority dispersal areas, and amendment to CIR. r-rovisisions of the City Code to i <br /> refer more specifically to the Housing Dispersal policy Plan. <br /> o ,- <br /> i <br /> Councilman Williams, member of the Joint Housing Committee, said one of the main I <br /> , <br /> , <br /> concerns of the Committee was ghettoization in the city. Development of the Plan, I <br /> ,he said, was an attempt to respond to those concel'ns. He favored delay of further <br /> I . <br /> ,discussion to give the opportunity for Shldy of the Plan. Councilman Murray <br /> (agreed and expressed the hope that ampl8 time would be provided on the September 4 <br /> lcommi ttee agenda for discussion. Councilwoman Campbell though t the discussion <br /> ~hould include some ide~'of costs involved and maImer of implementing the Plan. <br /> Councilwoman Beal applauded the attempt: to prevent formation of ghettoes hut : Comm <br /> i wondered w~at would be d~ne about those now in existence. . counc~~man Williams 8/28/74 <br /> : noted prec~se treatment ~n the Plan document of the quest~ons ra~sed and sug- : File <br /> gested delay of detailed review until the next week's committee meeting. It wasl <br /> understood ample time would be allowed on that _9qenda. ..,...__ ."' .0"" -' <br /> - ----q <br /> R. Workshop, Hou:;ing and Communi ty DevelopmentJlct of 1974 - Septemher 9--11, 1974 i~ <br /> Seattle, sponsored by Lea:1ve of Oregon Ci til's wi th other leagues in Federal Region X ' <br /> and National League of Cities, to review the new legiSlation on revenue sharing. -: <br /> Council members interested in attending were asked to contact the M~nager's officeCo~m <br /> so that registration and reservations could betaken care of. 8/28/7 4 <br /> / <br /> . ....'.U _". .....__... _ ~,... .-- ----'.__._._.~ -~- ,. ~._ .n'. . ....... _. ~.. _' _ ~ - + ...." ..-..... _n~' ~. ... _._.._.._.__._.._~. .0" - ---'File <br /> S. i Distribution - Copies of letters were distributed from, . ~ <br /> 1. IJason Lee, attorney, 495 State Street, Salem dated August 19, 1974 re: lomm <br /> \Renaming 13th Avenue "Wayne Morse Avenue." 9/4{74 <br /> ! F~le <br /> . I <br /> 2. :Iridependent phi Beta Kappa Environmental Study Group received August 23, 1974 \ <br /> ,. urging rejection of Nelson Rockefelle_r _~~ vice president of the United States. i <br /> .l .. H'.' .. --__.. '.._' _. ~. -'--'.--0::--' - ..... " ~ .. ..-'"- p'--'.~ <br /> T. !Field Burning - Mayor Anderson commented on anbther "black Tuesday" (September 3) <br /> tand the State's "smoke management program" which resulted in an extremely in- <br /> :tolerable situation in the Eugene area because of' seed field burning. He said he <br /> /was impatient with the inconsistent propaganda with regard to value of the seed <br /> . : industry and its efforts to develop machinery to counteract. the smoke problem. <br /> iHe thought the people of Eugene had been patient but that the density of smoke <br /> in this area on the 3rd had strengthened their resolve that there should be no <br /> extension of the ban on field burning. He noted a statement he had prepared <br /> (copies to be made available to those interested) calling on Eugene people to ! <br /> ~contact their legislators and other people responsible for eradication of the I <br /> Iproblem to make them aware of its severity. He asked Council members to en- <br /> icourage their constituents to write, realizing that further protests from govern- <br /> .ing bodies were repetitive and lacked the necessary impact on the get <br /> 'action from the smoke management office and to make sure the problem would soon <br /> be alleviated. <br /> ~......-"'---------"---- ~-.,.__. - -- .-.-,_.----_._._-~--~~.. - --- -........ ----,-, "',.".", .-----.. <br /> ~30 9/16/74 - 13 <br />