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<br /> Replying to a question from Mr. Hansen, Ms. Decker said the Downtown <br /> Commission recommended that the term "mallll not be used to i dent ify the <br /> e downtown because people outside the community do not understand what the <br /> IImallll is. <br /> Ms. Ehrman said "downtownll seems to apply to a small town and she does not <br /> favor its use for Eugene. <br /> Mr. Hansen wondered about the purpose of signs and Ms. Decker responded that <br /> the purpose is to provide directions to hotels, office buildings, and some <br /> retail establishments. Ms. Bascom added that signs provide directions to <br /> entertainment in cultural centers. <br /> Mr. Hansen said IIcity centerll seems more sophisticated than IIdowntown" but <br /> there should be reasons for choosing whichever term is used. <br /> Mr. Holmer said he prefers "downtown.1I <br /> Ms. Decker said the change on page 5 of the staff notes concerning references <br /> in the study to Highway 99 North respond to concerns of Mr. Miller. The change <br /> clearly identifies Highway 99 as the entrance which is most in need of <br /> improvement. <br /> Mr. Miller said Highway 99 was not identified in the study as a "preferred <br /> route" but it needs improvement very much. He said he would like to change the <br /> term "preferred route" to IIprimary entrance corridor." <br /> Mr. Ho 1 mer agreed with Mr. Mill er and added that Coburg Road was not <br /> e identified in the study as an entrance corridor. He said many people enter <br /> the downtown on Coburg Road across the Ferry Street Bridge. Responding to his <br /> question, Ms. Decker said Interstate 5, Airport Road, and West 11th Avenue <br /> were identified as the main routes people use to enter the city. She said some <br /> routes are used mostly by residents. She discussed how the "preferred routesll <br /> in the study were chosen. <br /> Replying to a question from Ms. Schue, Ms. Decker said Franklin Boulevard was <br /> designated a IIpreferred routell in the study. <br /> Mr. Miller said there is a difference in beautifying the existing road system <br /> and identifying corridors which visitors should use. Ms. Decker said the <br /> goals in the study indicate both aims. Mr. Miller said he cannot support the <br /> "preferred route" term but he could support a document which identifies <br /> IIprimary routesll and includes Highway 99 North and the Ferry Street Bridge <br /> among them. He said Highway 99 North should be equal to other entrances to the <br /> city. He also said signs should indicate entrances to the business part of <br /> the ci ty. West 11th Avenue is such an entrance and needs beautification. Mr. <br /> Hansen left the meeting at 1:00 and Ms. Ehrman presided from then on. <br /> Ms. Schue said Highway 99 North is not the best route to Mahlon Sweet Airport. <br /> Mr. Miller said funding priorities will result from the study and it is <br /> important to identify Highway 99 North as a major entrance to the city which <br /> e MINUTES--Eugene City Council October 8, 1986 Page 6 <br />