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<br /> needs beaut i fi cat ion. He empha sized that the need to beautify corri dors <br /> should be separated in the study from the identification of attractive routes <br /> e for people to use. Ms. Decker responded that making Highway 99 North equal to <br /> Delta Highway, for example, implies that visitors should use Highway 99 which <br /> is not very beautiful now. She suggested "preferred routes" be changed to <br /> "through routes." Mr. Miller agreed with her suggestion if there are no <br /> funding priorities indicated. <br /> Mr. Holmer said all entrances to the city should be made more attractive. Ms. <br /> Decker said the Entrance Beautification Study was initiated in the economic <br /> diversification program to improve the image of the city and to make it easy <br /> for visitors to get around in the city. <br /> Ms. Schue suggested another word be used for "beautification." <br /> Mr. Miller suggested one color be used to identify all the major entrances to <br /> the city and another color be used to identify the through routes on the map in <br /> the study. <br /> Ms. Bascom said one-third of the improvement projects in the study are on <br /> Highway 99 North. <br /> Answering questions from Mr. Rutan, Ms. Decker said the Entrance <br /> Beautification Study is in the work program of the Planning Department and is <br /> financed from the department budget. She said landscaping can be included in <br /> State Highway Division projects such as the West Eugene Parkway. Mr. Gleason <br /> added that beautification probably could be included in improvements to <br /> Highway 99 North if the City could finance the designs for landscaping and <br /> e other beautification. <br /> Ms. Ehrman said the City must urge the State Highway Division to include <br /> beautification in its plans. <br /> Answering a question from Ms. Schue, Ms. Decker said the slick format of the <br /> study was chosen to increase citizen awareness of beautification. She said <br /> the format was not as expensive as it looks. <br /> Mr. Holmer said the format sends the wrong message. Replying to his question, <br /> Ms. Decker said there are no beautification projects in the Capital <br /> Improvement Program (CIP). She said the council may want to develop an <br /> incentive program to encourage owners to include landscaping in their designs. <br /> Ms. Ehrman said the council will hold a public hearing on the study on Monday, <br /> October 13. <br /> IV. WORK SESSION: URBAN SERVICE TRANSITION ROADS CONCEPT PAPER <br /> City Manager Micheal Gleason introduced the item. Terry Smith of the Public <br /> Works Department gave the staff report. He reviewed the process for <br /> considering concept papers and said the Urban Service Transition Roads Concept <br /> Paper was tentatively approved by the Urban Services Policy Committee (USPC). <br /> e MINUTES--Eugene City Council October 8, 1986 Page 7 <br />