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Council discussion: <br />• If Council votes not to name it Kesey Square, develop some sort of process to rename it and <br />look into other things/people to rename it after. <br />• Downtown planning as a larger conversation isn't happening with Council right now; don't <br />know how long this would be postponed. <br />• PDD coming back to Council late fall to report on lighter, quicker, cheaper alternatives <br />implemented this summer downtown. <br />SUBSTITUTE MOTION and VOTE (with friendly amendment): Councilor Clark, seconded by <br />Councilor Evans, moved to substitute Betty's motion with a motion to initiate a process as <br />it's laid out in the Naming Policy to form a committee by however means, whether it's <br />Mayor's choice or by however means best in the ordinance is laid out, and have the naming <br />committee formed and report back to Council within 45 days. PASSED 4:3, councilors <br />Semple, Taylor, and Zelenka opposed. <br />Council discussion: <br />• What does the policy lay out for time limit? <br />• Naming Policy - The City Council may refer a suggested name to an appropriate existing <br />committee or Ad Hoc naming committee. The naming committee will meet to review any <br />suggestions and will make a recommendation to the Council. During its review, the committee <br />will identify and analyze potential consequences and any financial implications associated <br />with the proposed name. <br />VOTE ON MAIN MOTION AS SUBSTITUTED: PASSED: 4-3, councilors Semple, Taylor, and <br />Zelenka opposed. <br />Council discussion: <br />• Council should have rezoning conversation packaged with the conversation to rename. <br />The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Elena Domingo <br />Deputy City Recorder <br />MINUTES — Eugene City Council September 20, 2017 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />