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4. PUBLIC HEARING AND ACTION: Resolution Adopting a Supplemental Budget; Making <br />Appropriations for the City of Eugene for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2017 and Ending <br />June 30, 2018 <br />1. John Barofsky - creative supplemental budget, interest on load should be tied to CPI <br />Council discussion: <br />• Interfund loans governed by Oregon budget law, can't dictate the rate of the loan. <br />MOTION: Councilor Zelenka, seconded by Councilor Clark, moved to adopt a resolution adopting <br />a Supplemental Budget and approving the Interfund Loan; and changing appropriations for the <br />City of Eugene for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018. <br />MOTION: Councilor Semple, seconded by Councilor Evans, moved to substitute the following for <br />the motion: Move to adopt the revised resolution, labeled the "Revised Resolution" in the upper <br />right hand corner, adopting a Supplemental Budget for EPD radio funding and assistance with <br />DACA renewal fees, and approving the Interfund Loan; and changing appropriations for the City <br />of Eugene for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018. <br />Council discussion: <br />• HRC unanimously asked Council to approve funding and assistance with DACA renewal fees <br />• Concerned about setting precedent with this allocation of funds. <br />• Consider possibility of setting money up as a loan instead of a grant or scholarship. <br />• Action will help stabilize people so they can continue to be contribute to our city. <br />• The decision on who gets the money should be considered. <br />VOTE ON MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE: PASSED 7:1, Councilor Clark opposed. <br />VOTE ON SUBSTITUTE MOTION: PASSED 8:0. <br />MOTION: Councilor Semple, seconded by Councilor Zelenka, moved to direct the City Manager to <br />pay, either directly or through a contract with an outside agency, $495 for DACA renewal <br />applications for Eugene residents, the total not to exceed $10,000. PASSED 7:1, Councilor Clark <br />opposed. <br />Council discussion: <br />• Making this money a loan would drive up administrative costs to the City. <br />• Encourage individuals helped to share their stories and successes. <br />The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Elena Domingo <br />Deputy City Recorder <br />MINUTES — Eugene City Council Meeting September 25, 2017 Page 2 <br />