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<br />e <br /> <br />Councilor Holmer referred to the statement made in the appeal that this was the <br />only site within a one-half mile area that was available for development of a <br />convenience store. He asked if one-half mile were a reasonable figure to use in <br />judging location of neighborhood commercial centers. Mr. Croteau responded that <br />the one-half mile figure had been used in the past but said that it was hoped <br />the Metropolitan Area General Plan could be used in the future. He said he did <br />not know if this was the only vacant, available property of approximately one <br />acre in the area. <br /> <br />Mr. Holmer asked who had circulated the petition in favor of the rezoning. <br />Mr. Moulton responded that the paper had been circulated by the owners of the <br />subject property and, he believed, by the residents of the property immediately <br />to the east of the subject property. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Councilor Wooten asked how far the subject site was from specific existing <br />grocery stores in the area. Mr. Croteau responded that it was from .7 to .8 <br />miles from the store at Fir Acres, .7 miles or less from the Safeway store at <br />Coburg Road and Cal Young Road, and about one mile from the Albertson's store <br />at the Oakway Mall. <br /> <br />Councilor Obie complimented Mr. McCabe on the high quality of Grocery Cart <br />stores in the City. He said that the fact that the vote of the Planning <br />Commission was so sharply divided in this issue indicated that the council <br />should give close scrutiny to the matter and examine the question of true <br />need for the rezoning. He said that the questions raised by neighbors in the <br />area who had expressed fear of the spread of commercial development and of <br />increased traffic congestion deserved the attention of the council. Mr. Obie <br />believed that there was a need for the council to proceed cautiously in making <br />its decision. <br /> <br />Mr. Obie moved, seconded by Ms. Wooten, that the appeal be denied. <br /> <br />Councilor Holmer expressed concern with the suggestion made during public <br />testimony that councilors make their decision as if the subject property were <br />located across from their own homes. He felt that if the council always based <br />its decisions on such criteria, real problems would result. He said that <br />concern for traffic problems caused him to favor the motion. <br /> <br />Councilor Lindberg said he would oppose the motion, because he felt that a joint <br />meeting with the Planning Commission with further discussion of this request <br />would be useful. <br /> <br />Roll call vote; motion carried 6:2, with Councilors Ball, Hansen, <br />Holmer, Obie, Smith, and Wooten voting in favor, and Councilors <br />Lindberg and Schue voting in opposition. <br /> <br />I . <br />B. Ordinance Levying Assessment for Paving, Sidewalks, and Storm Sewer <br />on Goodpasture lsland Road from Delta Highway to Tabor Street <br />(Contract #81-09) (memo, background information distributed) <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />MlNUTES--Eugene City Council <br /> <br />January 24, 1983 <br /> <br />Page 5 <br />