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<br />there would be some concern about explicit square footage if a proposal were pre- <br />sented that was short 5,000 square feet or so. The more significant parts of the <br />recommendation, he said, might be the provision for two major stores, as opposed to <br />square footage, and the requirement for an economic impact anlaysis. . <br />Councilwoman Bea.I thought thi s?:2co[wnend,1 t icn ~'las tied in (-lith R9co!r:[['enct"tio., ,,0. 2 <br />and should also be deleted. i1ss.istant l~Janager said there m.i.ght be some connect.i.on <br />between the two, but the Commission should r' ~ be pre-empted from making a recom- <br />mendation by deletion at this point. <br /> Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mr. Keller to accept the status report Comm <br /> as presented on L&B Recommendation No. 6. Motion carried, all Council 7/9/75 <br /> members present voting aye, except Councilwoman Beal voting no. Approve <br /> L&B Recommendation No. 7 - Study alternative uses for present com- <br /> mercially zoned land having little potential for development in the <br /> near future and continue present policy of granting commercial zoning <br /> only after assurance given that development would occur. <br /> Planning Commission Recommendation - Not yet made. <br />Mr. Saul explained that although the Commission had not yet taken formal action, <br />neighborhood refinement studies had commenced in anticipation of solving the question <br />of unused commercial zoning. <br />Councilman Murray asked where the concentrations of unused commercial uses were and <br />wondered when refinement study of the Whiteaker neighborhood would take place. <br />John Porter, planning director, answered that the predominant unused commercial area <br />was west of the central business district to Washington and Jefferson Streets. There <br />were some areas on Highway 99N and there was some industrially zoned land in the e <br />West 11th area still being used for commercial purposes. He said the Whiteaker <br />neighborhood also had potential conflict with industrially zoned property which <br />would be addressed in the refinement study. He said that study would commence about <br />the end of this year right after completion of the Bethel study, completion could be <br />expected in about a year. <br />In response to Councilwoman Beal, Mr. Porter said there probably would be considera- <br />tion of rezoning unused commercial and industrial lands back to residential uses. <br /> comm <br /> Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to accept the status report 7/9/75 <br /> as presented on L&B Recommendation No. 7. Motion carried unanimously. ApprOve <br />P. 1990 General Plan Amendment, Goodpasture Island - Planning Commission on June 17 1975 <br />rec~mmen~ed deletion from the text of the 1990 General Plan the opportunity area' <br />d~s~gnat~on on the,GOOdpastu~e ~sland area west of the Delta Highway and modifica- <br />t~on ,of the,Plan,d~agram to ~ndLcate instead that area as suitable for medium- <br />dens~ty ~es~dent~al ~se. Copies of the Commission's official report were distributed <br />to CouncLl members w~th agenda. Attachments comprising planning staff notes of <br />June ,3, 1975 and Commission minutes of June 3 and 17, 1975 were distributed at this <br />meet~ng . <br />Sta~f reco~ended setting public hearing with a time limitation of one hour for the <br />ent~re he~r~ng ~nd a deadline for receipt of written material to give ample time <br />f~r ~ouncLl rev~ew before the hearing. Assistant Manager also suggested that anyone <br />w~s~Lng to,present written testimony should be requested to submit 25 copies to <br />~VOLt copy~ng expense fo~ the city. Councilman Keller thought it unfair in this -- <br />Lnstance,to ask copies to be submitted if the normal practice was to make copies <br />of ma~erLal for dist~ibution to the Co~ncil in other instances. Assistant Manager <br />explaLned that the CLty generally prov~des Council with copies of written material <br />How~v~r, in this case he had seen some of the material to be presented - vOluminou; <br />pet~tLons, etc. - which he thought should not be printed at public expense. <br />7/16/75 - 18 / 40/. <br />