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<br />5. 701 Planning Grant for 1975-76 - Copies of memo from the: plaml1:ng dcpartr.ent <br />concerning planning grant frn this fiscal year were distr ibutud to Council <br />members wi th agenda. The memo indicated funds to be recei vcd this year Comm <br />would be at a reduced .leve.l of $36,000, matching funds raiSe' the total ~or 7/2/75_ <br />the 1975-76 proqram to $54,000. Attached to the memo [,'ere program outlUJ25 . <br />, h' . .. 1 1 . t f th ' t ..J 7 t' hI e <br />plac1ng cmp aS1S on cont1nu Lng t 1e qua .1 y 0 c communI Y (,ev(~ 40pmen [vOrr:, <br />effort gi ven to the housing assistance plan, and continuing thEt current commi t- <br />ment to neighborhood refinement plans. An additional area of .importance this <br />year, the memo continued, would be ini tiat.ion of work for the major 1990 Plan <br />update. scheduled for 1977. <br /> <br /> <br />GG. LCOG ~etropo1i tan Bikeway Master ~lan - C~pi~s were previously distributed to 7 /;~~ <br />Councl1 members. It was not~d plan 1S 1n conforn~nce with the previously F'l <br />adopted Eugene Master BikeI-lal) Plan. 1 e <br /> <br /> <br />There were no comments or objections to the Metropo1.i tan Plan <br />as submitted. <br /> <br />HH. Proposed Code Revision re: Ambulance Services - Councilman Murray referred to a <br />report of the Lane County Developmental Disabilities Committee regarding the <br />need for revision of regulations governing ambulance services, particularly as Cornrn <br />they apply to the transportation of the disabled and elderly. Dave Jordan, 7/9(75 <br />public relations officer, said the question had been referred to the city Flle <br />attorney's office and a recommendation would be brought to the Council probably <br />at the end of July. <br /> <br />II. Status Report, Westside Downtown Neighborhoods - Councilman Keller reported that Cornrn <br />he and Councilwoman Shirey had met several times with the two downtown groups 7/9/75 <br />as the result of petition to revoke the Westside Downtown Association charter. File <br />They fel t progress was being made in settling the conflict, a final meeting It <br />with the groups was scheduled, and it was expected a report would be brought to ~ <br />the Council by the end of July. <br /> <br />JJ. Smoke Signals - Mr. Keller moved seconded by Mr. Hamel to waive the no-smOking <br />'rule because of the anticipated lengthy meeting. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal moved for amendment to include a five-minute recess after luncheon C <br />break. There was no second. 7/9~~ <br /> <br />Deliberations were informal until the Chair rules a short recess would be taken File <br />to accommodate the smokers. <br /> <br />KK. Status Report, Women's Commission - Councilman Murray reported that although <br />progress was being made in his ~nd Councilwoman Shirey's meetings with the Cornrn <br />women's groups the July 14 deadline on consideration of creation of a Women's 7/9/75 <br />Commission could not be met. He expected July 23 would be the earliest possible File <br />time for discussion in committee session, early August for public hearing. <br /> <br /> <br />Mr. Keller moved second by Mr. Williams that Items A through KK be approved, <br />affirmed, and filed as noted except Item D (30th-Hilyard-Amazon widening - <br />postponed until interim report received), and Item P (Goodpasture Island Gen~ral <br />Plan amendment - hearing scheduled for August 25). Rollcall vote. All CounClI <br />members present voting aye, except Councilman Hamel abstaining on Item I (1974-75 <br />audit report), the motion carried. <br /> <br />III - Items Not Previously Heard .~ <br />A. Summer Youth Employment Program"",_ _ <br /> <br />Dog Licensing (Summer Youth Employment Program) - Council authorization was re- <br />quested for 14-day waiver of the late fee for licensing dogs. Copies of the , <br />proposed program for an aggressive campaign to license all dogs in the communlty <br />were previously distributed to Council members. Assistant Manager explained <br />that because the number of dog licenses had dropped considerably from the previous <br /> <br />7/16/75 - 28 411~, <br />