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<br />F.Social Services Contract essentially the same as the contract covering <br />administration of services by Lane County for the current year was submitted <br />for approval. Councilman Murray asked about delivery of services to Spring- <br />field in view of the fact that Springfield was not a party to the contract. <br />~ Assistant Manager answered that the contract did not speak to that, the <br />language was broader. However, he said, there was substantial activity Corom <br />trying to persuade Springfield officials to reconsider their position. 6/25/75 <br /> <br />o 0 d . 1 Approve <br />Murray-Hamel to approve the contract. MotJon carrJe unan~mous y. <br /> <br />G. Wreckers L.icense ( on1lj) Ivas submitted by Larry George, 3090 University <br />Street. Staff recommended approval on the condi tion that no wrecking opera- Corom <br />tions would take place at the Universi ty Street address. 7/2/75 <br />Approve <br />Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mr. Keller to recommend approval on <br />the condition stated. Motion carried unanimoUSly. <br /> <br />H. Sout~.i1~Neighborl)l2.od Association Ch<!.!ter_ - Copies ("Jf rhe propos'_'r] chdrtcr to- <br />gether with lE-,tters from off.icers of the group were rlisl:riouted to Council :ner;.bers <br />l'/i th agGnda. Staff had no ohject ions to recoyn i tion of tlJ.: yroufJ. <br /> <br />In response to Counc ilman flaws, Rand i Rei n hard, p.liJnni fie; rlefJil r tment, described the <br />Dunn area. She said that arc-a WdS mentioned hy the South liills ({TOUP because of <br />problems experienced rec,--'ntly by two other neighborhood groups with overlapping <br />boundaries. The South Hills group was express.inq good faith and its willingness, <br />she said, to talk with the propo::ied Dunn group should they organize and desire to <br />encompass the area estabLished by this organization. Corom <br />7/2/75 <br /> <br />Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mr. Williams to approve the charter as Approve <br />presented and recognize the organization. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />7 <br />~ Louis Farnsworth, president of the South Hills Association, expressed appreciation <br />_ for the recognition and assured the Counci.l that the group would work closely with <br />it on mutual concerns. <br /> <br />I. Contract with Coopers & Lybrand for 1974-75 Audit - Copies of the contract to- <br />gether with attached schedules setting out work to be performed by city staff were <br />distributed to Council members with the agenda. <br /> <br />Councilman Haws wondered why this firm was chosen for the audit work rather than a <br />local firm. Assistant Nanagcr explained that was a local Firm, recently merged <br />with the national firm of Coopers & Lybrand, and that it had performed the city's <br />audit work for a good many years. He added that only certain auditors in the state <br />were authorized to perform municipal audits. <br /> <br />In response to Councilwoman Beal, Assistant Manager said the contract cost was Corom <br />$20,300 plus whatever extra h'ork hOdS required at the rate of $19.75 per hour. 7/2/75 <br />Approve <br />Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to approve the contract. Motion <br />carried, all Council members present voting aye, except Counc.ilman llamel <br />abstaining. <br /> <br />Councilman Hamel stated his intent to abstain from voting on this issue. <br /> <br />Liquor License, Mah's Far East, 92 Centennial Loop (DA) - ~enewa1 - ~taff had ~o <br />J. objections to the rene.fal. Council affirmation was requested of actlon taken ln <br />telephone poll of Council members on June 27, 1975 recommendlng .approval of the <br />renewal (six of the eight Council members were contacted). Ass13tant.Man~ger ex- <br />plained for newer Council members that on rare occasions renewal appllcatlons <br />a were not submi tted in time for scheduled Council meetings, ilnd tht'reby d('lal/f~d . <br />_ in getting to the Liquor Commission. In this instance, hOldi~g the renewal appllca- <br />tion for committee meeting would have delayed the license untll after the July 1 Comm <br />d~a(l1ine .vi th the possibi Ii ty of the establish<1ent' s not being able to operate for 7/2/75 <br /> <br />a couple of weeks. Approve <br /> <br />Mrs Beal moved seconded by Mr. Hamel to affirm the action rccom- <br />. .., . 7/16/75 - 9 <br />mending approval. Mot20n carr2ed unan~mously. ~~~ <br />