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involved substantial unbudgetedfunds, the Manager put Council in an almost impossible <br />situation by announcing the contract to the press before consulting with Council. <br /> <br />2. Dennis does look to Council for direction as a group. I appreciate knowing that <br />conversations are in public meetings. <br /> <br />2. My experience with asking advice has been very positive although I would like to see a strong <br />effort to get "out in front" of problems and challenges so as to avoid having to fix. I believe we <br />need a strong public relations staff. <br /> <br />2. I don't know the experience of other councilors, but this is not true for me. Unfortunately, <br />since it never happens, I don't even have an expectation that it should. <br /> <br />3. Good news: I'm not getting as many surprises when I open the newspaper as the previous <br />year. However, there have still been instances of this. For example, last fall when problems came <br />up with ORI building, the Mayor was informed but not the Councilors. I was disappointed when <br />I brought this to the Manager's attention and his response was to say "What could you have done <br />with the information if you received it?" Such a question is beside the point. <br /> <br />3. Dennis has worked at building relationships with Councilors. <br /> <br />3. The Manager is friendly and seems genuinely interested in familiarizing himself with my <br />personal life and family. But in terms of a working relationship and helping to achieve goals <br />important to constituents, there is no support from the Manager; and in some cases he can be a <br />formidable obstacle to finding realistic solutions for problems faced by city residents. Policing in <br />urban parks is one recent example. <br /> <br />4. After Council had a great strategic planning retreat in February, it took a lot of push-back <br />from Council to get draft action plans brought to us before the fall. I was surprised that it seemed <br />to be news to the Manager that we would like to get started with Council discussion of our <br />strategic issues sooner than six months after our retreat. <br /> <br />4. There is a continued perception of Council being blocked from conversation with staff. <br /> <br /> 4. The Manager is not receptive to my analysis, strategy or ideas unless it is already part of his <br /> agenda. On a number of occasions, where he has strenuously disagreed with me, he has been <br /> publicly disrespectful and unprofessional. One example was my initiation of a policy that <br /> requires management to seek council approval for new transportation funding plans and <br /> packages before seeking MPC/MPO apprOval; a process that the Springfield Council and the <br /> County Commissioners already engage regularly. Dennis disagreed so vehemently that he lost <br /> his temper and raised his voice in the presence of various members and citizens. <br /> <br /> 5. There's an understandably delicate line between the Manager providing Council with his <br /> professional advice (which I very much want) and seeming to join the debate as if he were the <br /> ninth councilor. On several occasions this past year, I was dismayed when I felt the Manager had <br /> <br /> 7 <br /> <br /> <br />