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Cost per Trip X Number of Development Trips = SDC for Development <br />Where: <br />Cost per Trip = Cost per Trip (reimbursement) + Cost per Trip (improvement), <br />and <br />Number of Development Trips = Trip Generation Rate X Pass -by Adjustment X <br />Development Size (based upon the unit of measure). <br />Table B-9, which is located in Appendix F, shows the assumptions for the SDC rate <br />schedule, including the total cost per trip and the trip rates and adjustments by land use <br />category. <br />4.2 Assigned Trip Generation Rates <br />The standard practice in the transportation industry is to use information contained in the <br />Trip Generation Manual, as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) to <br />calculate the SDCs for individual developments. ITE trip rates by land use category are <br />based on studies from around the country, and, in the absence of local data, represent the <br />best available source of trip data for specific land uses. <br />Pass -by trip adjustments to ITE trip rates have been applied to the ITE trip rates. Also <br />referred to as linked trips or trip chaining, pass -by trips refer to trips that occur when a <br />motorist is already on the roadway (as in the case of a traveler stopping by a fast food <br />restaurant on the way home from work.) In this case, the motorist making a stop while <br />"passing by" is counted as a trip generated by the restaurant, but it does not represent a <br />new trip on the roadway. <br />Pass -by adjustments are provided for those uses included in the Trip Generation Manual. <br />An applicant may choose to submit a request for an alternative pass -by adjustment through <br />the Alternate Calculation method. <br />Except when the City Engineer has approved an applicant's election to use the Alternate <br />Trip Generation Calculation method or an alternative pass -by adjustment, the City <br />Engineer shall apply rates included in the Transportation Trip Rates table, Table B-9, which <br />is located in Appendix F. Descriptions for the land use categories included in Table B-9 are <br />included in Appendix A and are based upon ITE land use categories. A land use category <br />may be assigned by the City Engineer should a proposed use not be accurately <br />represented by one of the published transportation use codes. In addition, trip rates for <br />published use codes may be alternatively assigned as best available information in the <br />case that a revised ITE trip rate is published prior to an administrative modification to the <br />Transportation Trip Rates Table (Table B-9). <br />CITY OF EUGENE SDC METHODOLOGIES, APPENDIX B PAGE B-12 <br />