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4.3 Alternate Trip Generation Calculation <br />Prior to the issuance of a permit requiring payment of Transportation SDCs, an applicant <br />may elect to use the alternate calculation method (ACM) of determining the trip generation <br />for the type of development proposed, as provided here. This election must be by written <br />application to the City Engineer, must be accompanied with payment or the agreement to <br />pay the transportation SDC using the standard calculation and must be approved by the <br />City Engineer. Issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the development will be <br />contingent on a final decision by the City Engineer on the alternate calculation submitted <br />for review. In the absence of the City Engineer's approval of the applicant's election to use <br />an alternate calculation, the standard calculation shall be used. All calculations shall be <br />based on the site's trip generation that occurs concurrently with the PM peak hour of the <br />City's transportation system (as defined as the peak one-hour period between 4 PM and 6 <br />PM). <br />4.3.1 Existing Traffic Study Standards <br />If an applicant provides previously performed traffic studies that meet the <br />standards in section 4.3 and have been approved by the City Engineer, the trip <br />rate based upon those studies may be used to calculate the transportation <br />SDC. Except that the studies may come from geographic locations other than <br />those listed in section the studies shall meet the standards set in section <br />4.3.3 and shall not be more than ten years old. <br />4.3.2 Independent Traffic Study <br />If an applicant does not want to use the trip generation rates in section 4.2 or to <br />have the rate determined under section 4.3.1, with the prior written approval of <br />the City Engineer by complying with the standards in section 4.3.3 below, the <br />applicant may conduct an independent survey of the proposed development's <br />trip generation rate. <br />4.3.3 Transportation Traffic Study Criteria <br />To be used to calculate the Transportation SDC for a proposed development <br />under this section 4.3.3, a transportation study must meet the following <br />standards unless the City Engineer modifies them because of unique <br />circumstances: <br /> Qualifications of Study <br />The completed study must be stamped by either a licensed civil engineer <br />qualified to conduct traffic studies or a licensed transportation engineer, <br />who has been approved by the City Engineer. <br /> Development Specifications <br />The study shall be based upon analyses of the trip -making characteristics <br />of similar facilities, both in size and type of land uses operating at full <br />occupancy/capacity. <br />CITY OF EUGENE SDC METHODOLOGIES, APPENDIX B PAGE B-13 <br />