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Key uFl~an services, including sanitary sewers, solid waste management, water service, fire and <br />emergency medical services, police protection, parks and recreation programs~ electric service, land <br />use controls, communication facilities, and public schools, will be provided to this area. The <br />Infrastructure Element of the plan, and Appendix D (Infrastructure Implementation) provide <br />information on sequencing and timing of infrastructure provision to insure that services are provided <br />in an orderly and efficient manner. <br /> <br />47. <br /> <br />Policy G-2 (Public Facilities and Services Element) "Use the Plarmed Facilities Maps of the <br />Public Facilities and Services Plan to guide the general location of water, wastewater, <br />storrnwater, and electrical projects in the metropolitan area. Use local facility master plans, <br />refinement plans, and ordinances as the guide for detailed planning and project <br />implementations" <br /> <br />Key fhcilities are consistent -with those idemified in the Public Facilities and Services Plan. <br /> <br />48. <br /> <br />Policy G-7 (Public Facilities and Services Element) "Service providers shall coordinate the <br />provision of facilities and services to areas targeted by the cities for higher densities, thrill <br />mixed uses, and nodal development." <br /> <br />Primary service providers were included in development of the plan. <br /> <br />49~ <br /> <br />Policy G-13 (Public Facilities and Services ElemenO "Improve surface and ground water <br />quality and quantity in the metropolitan area by developing regulations or instituting <br />programs for stormwater to: <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />Increase public awareness of techniques and practices private individuals can employ <br />to help correct water quality and quantity problems;" <br /> <br />Amendments to the Bethel-Danebo Plan require that the Royal Avenue Specific Plan serve <br />as the basis for development regulations and infrastructure improvements within the Royal <br />Avenue Specific Plan area. The specific plan and supporting documents prepared fbr the <br />Royal Avenue nodal development work provide information on techniques mad practices that <br />can be ernployed to help ensure improved water quality and reduced quantities of stormwater <br />runoff. <br /> <br />(d) <br /> <br />'~Increase storage and retention and natural filtration of storm runoff to lower and <br />delay peak storm flows and to settle out pollutants prior to discharge into regulated <br />waterways;" <br /> <br />Amendments to the Bethel-Danebo Plan require that the Royal Avenue Specific Plan serve <br />as the basis for development regulations and infrastructure improvements within the Royal <br />Avenue Specific Plan area. The specific plan proposes the use of roadside drainage swales, <br /> <br />Exhibit A - 18 <br /> <br /> <br />