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median bioswales and other stormwater runoff retention and filtration tecbmiques to delay' <br />peak storm flows and provide for settling of sediments. <br /> <br />(g) "Reduce street-related water quality and quantity problems" <br /> <br />Reduction of street paving widths, and allowances for roadside drainage swales and inverted <br />curbs are among those street design elements that should result in reduced street-related <br />water quality and quantity problems. <br /> <br />50. <br /> <br />Policy G-14 (Public Facilities and Services Element) "Implement changes to stormwater <br />facilities and management practices to reduce the presence of pollutants regulated under the <br />Clean Water Act and to address the requirements of the Endangered Species Act. <br /> <br />51. <br /> <br />Policy G- 16 (?z~blic Facilities and Services Element) "Manage or enhance waterways and <br />open stormwater systems to reduce water quality impacts from runoff and to improve <br />storm, cater conveyance." <br /> <br />Amendments to the Bethel-Danebo Plan require that the Royal Avenue Specific Plan serve as the <br />basis for development regulations and infYastructure improvements within the Royal Avenue <br />Specific Plan area. A key element of the Royal Avenue Specific Plan is development of network of <br />open drainage channels that will provide for stormwater conveyance and fbr wetland protection and <br />mitigation. This open system will be designed to reduce water quality impacts from new <br />development in the area. <br /> <br />5Z <br /> <br />Policy 2 (Energy Element Page III-2-5) "Carefully control, tJm:ough the use of operating <br />techniques and other methods, energy-related actions, such as automobile use, in order to <br />minimize adverse air quality impacts. Trade-offs between air quality and energy actions shall <br />be made with the best possible understanding of how one process affects the other." <br /> <br />Amendments to the Bethel-Danebo Plan require that the Royal Avenue Specific Plan serve as the <br />basis for development regulations and infrastructure improvements within the Royal Avenue <br />Specific Plan area. The specific plan promotes the use of alternative modes of transportation (transit, <br />bicycles and walking) by providing for an attractive and interconnected pedestrian system, on-street <br />mad off-street bicycle facilities, and provisions for extension of transit service to the site. The need <br />to use an automobile fbr all trips will be reduced due to the proximity- of services to Royal node <br />residential areas, and the availability of facilities that promote alternative mode use. increased use <br />of alternative modes should result in reductions in adverse air quality' impacts from automobile use. <br /> <br />53~ <br /> <br />Policy 7 (Energy Element ?age ifil-J-5) "Encourage medium- and high-density residential <br />uses When balanced with other plam~ing policies in order to maximize the efficient utilization <br />of all forms of energy. The greatest energy savings can be rnade in the areas of space heating <br />and cooling and transportation. For example, the highest relative densities of residential <br />development shall be concentrated to the greatest extent possible in areas that are or can be <br /> <br />Exhibit A - 19 <br /> <br /> <br />