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<br />Regardi1lg adequacy of the record, Comll1ission luember Lisa Arkin cOffilnented that the applicant's record <br />was inadequate in terms of information on noise, air pollution and impacts to groun.d \vater. <br /> <br />Mr. Belcher cOl11ffiented that the planning COffill1issions were the first body to revie\\' the record. He noted <br />that COffill1ission staff felt that the infonnation was sufficient to Ineet tIle requirements of the application~. <br />He ~said if the cOlnmissions felt tllat the information was insufficient then it could vote to deny and the <br />record \vould be opened again and both parties \vould have a challce to respond before the elected officials. <br />He said he\vould vote that the infonllation in the record \vas sufficient. <br /> <br />COl11nllSsion menlber Steve DignalTI said there \vas no reason to disagree with tIle staff recomnlendation. <br />lIe maintained tllat there \vas sufficient infonl1ation in the record that met the requirenlents of the process. <br /> <br />Mr. Carmichael called for a vote' fronl the COlllffiissions on step 1. <br /> <br />Comlllission menlber Steve Dignanl, seconded by, COll1illission member <br />Ed 'Becker, llloved to approve the provided inforniation in Step One. The Illotion <br />passed 5: 1 \vith Ms. Arkin voting in opposition. <br /> <br />Eugene Planning Con1ffiissioner John La\vless, secondyd by Eugene Planning <br />Comnlissioner Rick Duncan, 11loved to recommend that the Eugene Planning Commission <br />approve the staff recommendation that Step One information \vas adequate. The l1lotion <br />passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Step 2. Significa..nce of the Resource <br /> <br />Ms. Schulz said tl1is item canle llnder the lleading of Oregon Adnlinistrative Rule, (OAR), 660-023-180(3). <br />She noted that there Ilad been a lot of input on the topic from the applicant and the opposition. She. said <br />determination was based on quantity and quality.Slle said the testimony from Shane Hughes had <br />adequately explained at the public hearing how gravel \vas deposited in a river. She added tllat there was <br />sonle question raised as to \\thether samples could be mixed or not. She said staff had reviewed the State <br />High\vay Safety Standards Appendix D75 Section X2.3..2, entered into the record by both the applicant and <br />the opponents, \vhieh discussed sampling of bank run sand and gravel deposits \vhich stated that samples <br />sllould be thorougll1y mixed and quartered if-necessary. She said staff had determined that ul1xing of <br />samples was appropriate. She added that the' site, in question \vas not on the inventory of significant <br />aggregate sites in the Metro Plan. She.said that in higher quality soils the thiclaless of the aggregate layer <br />nlust exceed 60 feet in Lane County. She said the applicant had ShOW1l that the thickness \vas70.5 feet and <br />therefore llad met the quantity threshold requirement and they have also ShOWll that the quality \vas at a <br />high enough level of significance to meet t11at part of tIle standard for step two, therefore, the significance <br />threshold is Inet. <br /> <br />Mr. Zdzienicki said he \vas conflicted on the t\VO different versions onho\v the samples should be taken. <br />He said he was not convinced by the applicant's argument. <br /> <br />Ms.. Colbath questioned whether any state offices had been get information regarding mixing <br />of samples.. <br /> <br />MINtJTES~Lane County Planning Comnlission <br /> <br />July 25, 2006 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br />