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CC Minutes - 05/26/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 05/26/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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was some neighborhood interest in trading the park for land elsewhere. He invited the thoughts of <br />other councilors. <br /> <br />Mr. Farr reported he met with Ron Chase regarding the Human Rights Commission's charge from <br />the council. They had agreed a public forum was probably not necessary, that the tax assessor's <br />investigation should be the principle investigation. They would continue to meet weekly to review <br />Mr. Gangle's progress. Mr. Farr believed that they would recommend the council's joint meeting <br />with the commission follow the already determined schedule. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap~ arrived at the meeting at 5:40 p.m. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor endorsed the publication of the TransPlan summary and asked if a news release <br />identifying the projects in TransPlan could be released to more specifically engage the public. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor asked about the status of the Police Commission and if the council would review the <br />applications for the commission. Mr. Johnson said yes, adding that the applications were public <br />information. Mr. Torrey said that he would be interviewing 24 candidates and would recommend a <br />group of eight candidates to the council. He said that the commission would include a very <br />diverse group of people. Mr. Kelly suggested that copies of the applications be left in the council <br />office. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor expressed concern that the Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations <br />(CCIGR) was assigning priority positions to bills for which the council had no policy. She said the <br />council's energies were better directed toward issues for which it did have a policy. Ms. Taylor <br />believed that such bills should be brought to the entire council for discussion. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner endorsed the publication of the TransPlan summary but suggested the summary <br />needed to be given some context with the inclusion of the policies and principles driving the plan. <br />He believed that the inclusion of specific projects might have merit. Mr. Meisner suggested it <br />would also be useful for readers to include information about what TransPlan did not do, and to <br />call attention to the fact it should be read in conjunction with related City documents such as the <br />Arterial and Collector Street Plan. <br /> <br />Regarding Stewart Road, Mr. Meisner said that he agreed with Ms. Nathanson about the need for <br />more information but did not want to "jump the gun" on the design and scheduling. Regarding the <br />design, he was concerned about the street's projected designation as a collector street given the <br />wetlands owned by the Bureau of Land Management that border a large section of the road and <br />the residential uses on the eastern end. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson said that new Library, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department Director Angel <br />Jones would start work at the City in July. <br /> <br />Mr. Torrey said that he had an opportunity to attend the neighborhood meetings related to sports <br />facilities and fields at high schools. The meetings were at Churchill, Sheldon high schools and <br />Cai Young Middle School. He said that many creative ideas were discussed. <br /> <br />2.Mayor's Youth Leadership Program <br /> <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council May 26, 1999 Page 2 <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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