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<br />( <br /> <br />Exhibit IIAII <br />d.55tf <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />June 1976 <br /> <br />Resolut-ion No. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, pUblic par>ticipation is the act of shaPing in -tl18 fOY1i1Ulation of <br />policies and proposals which affect the lives of all citizens; and <br /> <br />WHERE.4S, local govern71ent has a responsibility for encouraging pUblic par>- <br />ticipation in the planning process, both for the betterment of local <br />deeision-making and to satisfy requirements of state and federal <br />planning programs; and <br /> <br />rIffEREAS, par>ticipation needs to go beyond just the s7~ple role of commenting <br />t~ard a process whieh involves the pub lie in an aetive role; and <br /> <br />WHERE.4S, the city of Eugene recognizes that pUblic par>ticipation through <br />neighborhood organizations ean produee benefits for the general <br />health~ welfare~ an~ pride of the total eommunity: <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the city of Eugene that: <br /> <br />1. the eity of Eugene eneourages the formation of neighborhood <br />organizations and their involvement in the local government's <br />decision-making processes; and <br /> <br />2. the city of Eugene adopts this Neighborhood Organization Recognition <br />Policy in order to estahlish enteria for the reeognition of <br />neighborhood organizations and define the relationship between <br />the city and reeognized neighborhood organizations; and <br /> <br />3. sections 1 - 5 which comprise this Neighborhood Organization <br />Reeognition Poliey are adopted as poliey statements and are to <br />be used to aff~rm and govern the relationship between the eity <br />and recognized neighborhoods as they partieipate in the deeision- <br />making processes of the city; and <br /> <br />4. the provisions of the IWeighborhood Organization Policy for Citizen <br />Planning Groups~" adopted by the City Couneil on August 28~ 1973:, <br />are superseded by the provisions of this resolution. <br /> <br />Section 1. Criteria for Recognition of Neighborhood Organizations <br /> <br />a. At the time a neighborhood €Aa~tejQ governing document is submitted <br />to the City Council for reeognition~ evidence SAa~t8 shall be <br />submitted showing that the €Aa~te~ doeu'7lent was widely circulated <br />within the neighborhood ~~te~ te tFie s~ase~HeAt a8eptt8~ Sf a eAa~te~ <br />before adoption by the group. <br /> <br />b. All meetings shall be well-publicized in advance. <br /> <br />c. tRat The neighborhood organization ts shall be open to the total <br />area and tAe diversity of interests present in the neighborhood. <br />PartiCipation 5Ae~+s shall be open to any property o~vner or tenant <br />within the neighborhood. Criteria regulating voting shall be <br />determined by eaeh neighborhood group~ shall not exelude residents~ <br />