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<br />U. WORK SESSION: Annu~ll Meeting with. Police Cm:mnlssiou ftndP:n:~sentatiou ofPullee <br /> Cumplaiut System RcenmmNldathms <br />Mayor Piercy welcomed tb.emembers .of the Police Comrnission who wue in a1tendance and noted that <br />f\.ts. Ortiz ~md Ms, Bettn1.i3;n were also members oftb.e z::ommi:;;sioR <br />City Manager 'ray!or introduced Polk:e Commission Chair Tim Laue, V ice f.:ha:ir Angie Sifw;;-:nwz, and <br />rnembcr:.; John Brmvn and Carht Newbre and invited them to join the l;:ouncit to' prc~~ent their report and <br />recornmen.dation{3, <br />Mr. Lane th>::lnk:cd the Mayor and the council fbr the opportunity to present th.l.cconunission's report and <br />said tktt two outcomes \.vcre. desired: l) approvaj of the l;;ommi::;:"ion':;; \-vork plan lOT'the next year; and 2) <br />direction from the cOlmcil on the next steps in tenns of dv~iHan oversif!"jli fbr the eom.nnmity. He outlined <br />the format of the presc.ntaJion and tkmked thc many cnrmnuHity mg<m:izMions and m.el.nhcr!'> ';;vho <br />partidpatedin the pn)ces::; of developing re;:olmnendations fi,1r.a polke cmnplaint systi;.~m. He aho <br />thanked the merrihers of the Polke COHuuissi.on Md the ;;;mnm1::;sion's staff for the !m:~ject, Jeannine Pafhi <br />and Karen Hyatt, for their extraordinary el1brts, <br />.Ms. Sifbentez presenti...>{l of the Police OmlmissiQn Annual Report; F1' 2004~2{){)5 and the <br />proposed work p.lan f(..,r July 2005 -March 200/5- She said the \vorkpbn proposed that the z~ommission <br />continue refining the ovec'tight model and outstanding issue:.;, pending direction from the cCHJncil, and <br />begin working with the P(j1iceDep.utment on the development ofpo.licies and ordinancc bnguage <br />ne\.~e~.;s.<lry to impkment portions of the model. <br />Ms, Sifuentez notz..>{l that in .addition tD the complaint system, the <;(nnrnission 'wOl;ked On in-car <br />yideo/ reeording pnli.des, which wcre giH~n cow;;eptual approval by tlw i;:ommis~';1()n as werl as <br />approval fhr funding .th:nn h~lcl;:omrm.micatinns taxe$ fbr a two..year implementation period. Shc .<tbo drew <br />the council's attcntion to the cmnmis::;ion's work on a uniform ~.;tand.ards ordinmKi;~ th~tt wO\Jld ensure that <br />Eugme police officers were c,"l.sHy distinguii;hab1e from other publk safety officers, She said the <br />ordinance would go into etIect hnuary 1,2006. She was pleased t{) report fl:wi the dlort <::lso ,~u1ted in <br />changes ;;tl the Stale level thi.lnk.~ to support th.nn SenawrF.loyd Pro'lanskL She m..,ted that t.he Dovmtown <br />Publk Safety Action Pian was subrnittoo to the cormdl in September 2004 and it included a range of <br />s.trawgies to support a safe and vibrant d.owntown. <br />.Ms. Newbte stated that in addition to extC1"1i;ive r~earch on vari.ou,~ oversight rnodeh, the G.Hnmi:;;sion <br />conducted a ",eries of p1.1blk forums. to dd.errn:im;: thc specifk concern::; of the Go:nummity. She p01nted out <br />that specific qlJ.e~tion.~~ asked at tll.<; public fbrmn~ were induded iH the agenda packet materials, She said <br />t.hat fear of ret<lJintiDn was the primary thing preventing people from filing a conrplaint against the polbe, <br />along with concern!'> about possible bias and a bdiefthat eomplaints would not be taken seriously. She <br />said that h13,Se.d 1..>H those respon~.,ei:l, the .Intake Committt~e iucused h.trgdy on. how complaints were <br />received and pmcessed and it sGon h<~came apparent that an. auditor's onke was needed, She ~;aid the <br />intah~ modd n;:commendadons ret1ecwd a variation of a dual-intake proce~s becauSi:: it provided an <br />independent, neutrallocation for people to iile complai.nts and it r~~direct<;:d c~!:.; dedsions, such <br />as dassification of complaints and po:;;sibihtie:;; tCn' aIt;;-mativ<~ re-solution, to help ensurc that aU com- <br />plaints were treated 'with due d:iHgmce. She illustrated the proz~ess with (3, schematic of the proposed <br />n:1odd and noted the Van{)Ui; access points based on cw:mnunity members' reque~~t tor scvcraI optioni; for <br />obtainin.g information. She said th(~ Z~01Jlmitt0~ stn..>ngly recommended tl:Hlt the term "inquiri' {10 longer <br />he, used became it generated controversy in the conmmnity> She said the, cmnplaint-handling process <br />MJNlJTES....-Eugcne City Council Jl..d y 25, 2005 Page 3 <br /> 'yVork Sei;sioH <br /> .. .. ..........................................................................------...........:..........:............. <br />