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<br />emphasized two values: I) improved ~H.:-cei:>S and safety and 2) thcilit;;tting the be:,t fe,;,;oluhon to a <br />eomp!<tinL <br />Mr. Bro\vn reported that Lhe AAindic.ation Review Model Committee, which he chaired, reviewed thJee <br />models for civilian review and agreed that the hybrid :,ystem 'NilS the. .hrvore-d i;yste,YL He Hoted that \vhat <br />the committee reeommended \va$ not what was before the council; the comrnittee's U;;CQnnnendatkln \vas <br />l1wditkxl at the commi$si.on kwl based on ongoing public input He said the hybrid model CGHsisLed of <br />profei;sional civilian cmph'yees supervis;;::d outside ofth(~ Po1iceDepartment who actively monitored <br />1lwcBtigations fbr {jualit.y a%umnce, plus a five~ to sevenymember revkw board nfvolul1te;::~rs who <br />reflected the community hut di.d not reprei:>ent any constitw;:ncy to evaluak the work nfthe auditor; the <br />revle-w board conld reopen dosed cases, He said that in order to emmrl;:. that alkgMio:ns of mbconduct <br />\vu'e investigated in a t.horo~igh, objective and timely rnanner, the commission was recomm{ that <br />lntemal Aftl1h'S (1A) be restnlcl.ured to become a sp<:..'Cializcdinvestigative unit ha:ndJing internal <br />investigation::; w that superviRm; were nn longer hoth conducting investig-.;;!tbn.s ,-m.d making a rCCOrHlnen- <br />datiol1 k,r the oukome of that investigation, He review~~d the functions and autho:dty of the auditor and <br />the review' hoard. Hc s.tatui that while the hybrid sy:4enl had checks and bahmce::; to elBure strong <br />az~(;ountability< SU<A.::ess of the system depended on th~:- qualilY of the sek>cted auditor. the committee <br />volunteer::;' ability to be impartial and fai.r i.n. aU aSptcti; of the work, and adequate funding, <br />Mr. Laue emphasized that one of the commi~f-jon ':;; goals :.!t the heginning of the prnce::;:, \Vas the <br />development of a ~.;y~.;te.m that it kit '<'Vas h<;~st h>r tbe cnmmunity, tlwt wai; open and acz~essibh::, that <br />cc,dd build community consenSUi; around the alterw~Jives fix policing, He said to ~!l;:hkve that goal <br />communitym<;~m.bers and organizations were involved extensively in the pmce~.;s,He noted that there was <br />un:.minlous support on the ;;:(Hrunii:>~,i{)n fnr th{~ modd as :.!whole that was presented tu the council, hnt <br />did not mean (,:very rnember agreed with every ai:>pect; it did mean that the l;;mn.mi::;:;;.ion thought the model <br />wai:> the he$t way to moVl;; ti:nward. <br />\-\lith respect to outstanding issues,lVk Laue l.istd the following: <br />. The model '.VB.S a fnun.;;::work and required filling in of details as well. as cmp.toy(x~ contractual and <br /> puhlic records i:.;sues resolvedlx:forc impkmentatiOlL <br />. The system would need to be continua.l1y evah;atcd and retain t1exibUHy fIX :.!dju.'>tmen.ts as it W,IS <br /> impkmented, <br />.. Approval of the ;~omrnis:}ion's work plan by the ,~oundl w<Juld aHmv work on rcfinenlt;:nts to <br /> continut;: and a preliminary plan for implementation of the model to be dt;~vdopcd. <br />. A decii:>ion from t.he z~oun.dl and possibly the community bdbre the model C.,-U1 be finalizcd. <br />. Adequate to sUPPOJ1 the model. <br />. A charter a:mendment to allmv thcmayor C(>UllCit to hin) an auditor and appoint a review <br /> board. 'fhis govcrn~mc<;~ approach was ::;elected because the i:>tructum! ind~pendence ofthe OVl;::r^ <br /> sight model was important to cngendering trui:>t and building support in tb;; ;;:.onmmnity for hoth <br /> th(l Police D(Tartment and the auditor's ofi:1ce. <br />Continuing. Mr, Laue said that research indicated oversight models tended to fai.1, in part, because there <br />Wt;;re not adequate resoun.::-es to impkmcnt thenl welL Tie noted that governance of the model would work <br />either under the <!Uspicei; of the City COHndl or t.he Chy Manager. He said that if a c.h;;trtcr amendm.ent <br />failed at the ballot the commiMion fully expected the cound.l to move the modd thrward under the City <br />\t.<'tniJger'i; (Jff1ce. He added that there were a number of ways that g'Ovenwn;;:e by the mayor and coundl <br />COUld occnr, hut thc ci)mmi:.;<,;ion had left t.hat decision to the coundLHe <l.sked for direction frmn tbe <br />cOl,.1Ucil em how the t~mnmis~;ion sh01.l1d pnjceed and a decision em the COrHln.isi;ion 's extended work plan. <br />MINrrrES......Eugcne City Council July 25, 2005 Page 4 <br /> ViOl'k Scssion <br /> . ... ..................................................--....-.~..........~-- <br />