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<br />elsewhere, as \:Vilham:~ Bakery had nx;ently done, it could be the m.<lkinW' of "a perb::t fmandal stonu a <br />few years down the road" with tough decisions to be runde. atxrut where tiJ cut vital services, He said <br />bearing th~ fnli;tration::; of fhe process involved in the en.terprise z(me and helping it ~'llo:ng coulu pwvide <br />sevd'al milUon In.ore dollars to spz~nd three to five years dmvn the ro<:\d. lk thought this could be u~ed to <br />exp<.m.d fire and public safety ~,ervkes and help fund the action item", re:mlting from i!lx: Cultural Services <br />Division Comprehensive Phn, He f:llc9urag<:u the council to act with caution and accept the City <br />Manager'::; fin;t proposal so that the Cjty wdd retu:r:n to the table and tdk \vith the C\1Unty and bring the <br />zone to fruition. <br />Dan HerhcI~t, 191:1 Potter Stff:ct, spoke on long-range planning. fh; nokd it was hii; third pre:;;.entl1t!on to <br />the councit on organiz<!tion for urban development in the noJ decades, lie rez~a:ppcd his presl;:~ntationi;, to <br />date, the first Gf "vhich focused on the need thr public/private partnerships and the second argued that such <br />partnershipi; would proactive dforts by specially designated pub.lic agencies. He ()ffered five <br />examples of such agencies and ';;:.omruented on their role in planning and devdopment. lk suggei;led thut <br />dements of any ofthc cxarnpks could be utilized to benefit. the city and Hone were meunt to be taken in <br />their entirety, The exal.nple::; he provided Wf~re, <1:>; fdlo\vs: <br />^' The Bnx)k1ngs Institute research pape.r he already dii;tributed to the; <br />., 'l'he Portland D,;~yelopment CommL.,sioll, a sepm'aw city .;kpartment with its own policy board and <br />~. <br /> ~.;taff which brought togdh{~r the ptlblic!privak partneri; needed to renEw projects, <br /> coordinating bnd av~pis.ition, financial resources, lnm;ket analysis, et.~.; <br />... in 1967, the Cjty Council set up the Eugene'\val Agency, much like the Portland <br />~). <br /> I.kvelopmcnt COHunission, though on a ",maller scale. In 1982. the City Council disH.!lvw j~ and <br /> it was subsumed into the Planning and I.kvdopmcnt Dq.l.<utment (PDD), whkh took oyer its <br /> policy fun.ctions; <br />,t Pu.blic/private partnerships, set up in 1997 for theMix~:d.Use. BW.<ldway Place; and <br />5. . 'fhe City':;; at'iin'dahle housing progmm, laudedflx doing an excellent job in its area, having huilt <br /> 20 :mcce~';$rul pf(~jects :.,im:e its adyent in 1989. <br />Mr, Herbert indicated that he wDuld return. to thc next City CounG;} meeting and sUlrmwrize his points <br />made over three Public .Forurns. <br />Zadl:'l.11' Vishauoff, hitterSlJl1, provid.ed a packet of articks kn' the council. He l;:l,mmented that <br />sw.;tairmbihty, stuart k-,'Towth, and "branding" wf:reintertwincd. He thought the City of Eugene :~hould <br />have a dialoguc about '"branding" the. tuwn [{} determine why Engene should be branded and \vho this <br />might attmGLHe felt the brand :~hotdd notbc eg.{)6:~ntric or overstated. He thought the current suggestion <br />exuded ignorance and if Eugene were, perhaps, Barcelona, Spain, it rnight qualify to claim. it ',;'las the <br />\,inrld'$ greatei:>t city, <br />ML Vhhanoif asked jf Eugene \vas trying to attract the Olyrnpic Trials in 2008v He ~id "track and <br />doping" \Vere having a bit of a crisis and. some of the tedmo1ogies that '.;.,<,ere comi.n.g up were not traccable. <br />fv.k Viihanotf qllestion~<l the need lur el;;onomiG development incentives h,.x\'1Use it was diftkuJt to know <br />who to attrad. He wa:;; concerned that not enough reguh:tionwas in plm::.e to govern hio..hazards. <br />Teresa Callaban, 537 Honeysut:kle Lam~, ,-~xplain<xl that she was speaking as a taxpayer, <'l h.::al <br />physkhn, a mother nfthree $chool~agcd daughters, a forrm~r small husi.ness o\vn(~r, .and the person who <br />hea.{kd her dmn.:h's co!Urn:ittce on ~conomic jU$tice j",SUei:>. She had been involved in local dis,,:ussions <br />MINUII::S.....-Eugen": City Council July 1 8) 200S Page 3 <br /> Regu.lar Ses::;ion <br />