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<br />Mayor Pier~~y eom.ruenaed the commlsi;ion for its work. She called on the cOl..m.dl for qu,:::,:~;(ioni; and <br />cormlwnt:.;. <br />Me Kelly added his thank$ tD the con:anissil"l'n tbr the extensive alJlotmt d' work it did. Refer.ring to the <br />i~,sue of wan:.::mt$ and records check:.;, he asked inA ",,'odd have to ad on an outstanding warrant <br />dbcovcred during the itwestigation of a complaint referred hy the auditor and if so, under \Vha{ authority. <br />1v1:-" Nevlhre said it was her understanding that wan-ant:.; we,e ordcrs is.~ued by ~tjudgc and police ()fficers <br />\vere required to act on theIn. <br />ML Kel1y :indicated he was impressed by the intek,'Takd nature. of the recommendation and the unanimous <br />support fnr it and was int.;J'CSkd in pursuin.g a charter amel1(hm~nt tor a cOl..lHcil-appo:intedmode1. <br />:tvh Taylor asked if it was neces::;ary to on the ex;sknce c.fw<trrant::;. She opined that some of the <br />people who were likely to hav>: ixnnpla:int':l WGe likely to have heen in trouble with the h"w in the past an.d <br />werc .athid, ~{L Laue replkd that a rc:.::o,ds check on aU parties involved would h~ the firM step for an <br />officer \vhen a complaint wai:> referred hy t.hc auditor's office; that W~tS a i;tandard practice in polic.lng, He <br />said that failing tv fol1mv standa:rd invt;'i;tigative protoeo! or best practices in t.hat n;~gmd wGurd open the <br />officer and the (.::ity to liabiHtie~,. t-:h.;. SlftleHh::zpointed out that the auditor \vas not obliged t;;! WTest a <br />person if there was a warrant, hut could advi;,;e the person that thert. was an ontsta:nding warrant that <br />should he resolved, She s.aid that did not mean that the auditor would not {DHQW through on the <br />complai.n.tMr. Laue added that th(::r~" W~l:'; a di~;;tinctio!l hetweenminor warrantf; and those thatn.eeded w <br />he add upon irnmediakJy, such ai:> warrant::; fbr vloknt leloniei:>, 'fvk Brown &3,id thut an anOn}T!1.0nS <br />complaint Gould bc filed. <br />Ms, Taylor ohserved that external polke review alnKI~.,t pas~~ed \vhen it \IiW,i on the haUot s.ix or seven years <br />.ago, which indicated ,':ltmng intcrest in the com:tnunity. <br />Mr. Pryor conmlf..':ndd the conrmisi;iou':" work. He reft:rroo to the three fuH..time staff positions that were <br />ree-ommew;kd to i:>UPpor!. the auditor function and asked ift.he comrni~.;si(}n had discussed the cai:>doad that <br />w:<tS <.mticipak>f.1.Mr.;: sai<1 that hist()ricaHy;, 50 t;) 60 complaints that requird tUI iuvei:> files <br />tD be opened wcn;~ r>:cdved each yz~aL He expected that numher to incn;~<:se some\Vhat in the first ye~tri:> <br />the model \lias irnpkmented, He said the cO!nmission did nG( discu;,;s the dolhr M1(..Wnts aSi;odated 'v'lith <br />the required staff-lng, which l;;ould consist of two additional investigatiy'C officeri:>, plus an auditor, <br />mantlgementanalyst, and administfativ~ aide. <br />Mr. J\)hng complimented the commis.skm '$ efforts and as.h~d i.f the m.anagernent analyst .and ad:mini$tra~ <br />dye aide po:"itlons could be nlkd by (.ll..mHtled personnd cl..lrr~nt1y within the deptlrtment or be kept <br />completely separate. Mr. Laue replied that the c.omrnls::;;on felt the auditor's office ::;hould bc separate <br />from the Police Dcpartment as it rCf.,luired sorHC form cd'structuml independenc;;:: to gain the neceSSalY <br />credibility_ <br />Mr. Poling asked inhere vvas a bre-akdmvn in thf: ~o:mm.unities that used an extcrna.l audhnr t'iystern <br />lx:t\.vo;:n those where the auditor rQPorted to dected officiab an.d thosc where the auditor reported to a city <br />In.a.nagcr or adm:inistf<ltoL Polke CommisSion .analyst Jea.nnine Pa.ri::;; replkxl that she cotdd pwvide that <br />in1hrrnatirm but it was not a straigl1t <;ompari~,onbecamie difti::t'Cnl municipalities had differz~nt govcrnance <br />;,;tmctlm.."S, She sakl that typi,~al.1y when:. there was a strongm.ayor [-onn of government, the auditor <br />r~porte.<.l to the mayor and when there \.va::; an dect<;:d body~ the ill.J.d.itor reported to the ,;.::.ity man.ageL City <br />Mauagn 1'ayk), comm.t)nted that a common feature among the com.rmmities was that where the auditor <br />.MfNtrrES--- -Eugene City CounciJ July 25, 2005 Page 5 <br />Work Se.ssion <br />