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<br />was extcrnal to the poliee department the auditor reported to the chief executivt;~ officer, depending (ln <br />whether it wa~ a strong mayor or city manager lunn of govcrnnKnt, <br />Mr, .Poling questi<.med why the councE would take the is~ue to the haUot at a CZ)~t of $1 OO,OOD when the <br />commissionindicakd dther governance approuchwould \york for the. modd and the conn.dl would <br />implement the city mB11ager g'Overnanc.e approach iftJ~c ballot mea.:mre fB.ikdA He askeJ what nle~sag(: <br />wodd be sent to the voters if the baUot mt~<t~n.lrebikd and the council irnplemented them.od.d anyway, In <br />the interests of cost, spe<;~d and efficiency, he reco.mmended tlwt the councHn.ot w~!it u.ntil November !)f <br />;\1ay to put the lnatter on t.he baHot when it had the authority to move f~)rward and haw the City Manager <br />make the appointment no\v and begin to implement the rnm:kL <br />i'-kr. Pape prai~ed the con:;:mission's wnrk. t.he thoroughncss of its report and M.r. Lowe's k-d.dership. l:k <br />ashx'l about the pl..lrrmi;e ofthe task. force on. the altemative rZ~Glution th.M was rderenced in thc <br />commission's repo!t.M:r. Laue rephed that the cnmro:!ssion was recmrmwnding that in concert with the <br />Human Righb Connnissi';}n (HRC), \vhkh had handied m.ediation for the past ten years, a ta~k force h<~ <br />fnrn1ed to inv;)lw com.nll..m.ity sl<l.kel'iolders in an 5..~xamination of Cli..'Tent pradices and the role of <br />mediation and advocacy in th(~ t;:!..>tnphint pmcesi;.He said mtlny pe(lple believed thM alternative <br />resolution was a "whHvin" sitn'ation with respect to ~ompbiut::;. He ~ai.d that the c(nmdl would approve <br />any task force that was established, <br />Tv1r. Pap(~ asked how thc <;ommi~,sion'::; compared to thn::;e in the Intcrnation;,:11 <br />Chy!COllHtyManagement AssodatinlJ..Polke Executive Research Forum {I.CMA-,PERf') report. .l\.Jr.Laue <br />replied that the ICMA..PfiRF report recommended that the Police Commission hC'..::ome an external review <br />board, which \va;,; anathema to the commission, <br />;\1L Pape urged the wundl to remember during its dditKTation~, the EugenePolicz~ EmpI.Oy'Ct;:s As.i;ocia- <br />tinn comm@i that many of the i.SSUt;~S that prompted a call fbr oversight 'wen:: due t(l inadequate :..;taffing <br />andinadcquak hiring and screening mechanisms, whk::h would not h<) cured by an oversight proee~s. Tk <br />urged the council to continue to 8,odress thc lack of resource:~ in the Pol!eeDep;;lrtme.nt <br />Mr. Laue cnmmenkd that the p(llice union and the c.ommission had an ut1l:kdying wlue that aside fronl <br />the oversight modet hoth were looking fnr ways t.o imp-rove Si;)fVkes to the l;;ommunity, <br />Ms. Solomon remarked thai she had bez~n on tlK: ,)ommission for a year and wa~, alway'" amazed at the <br />;tently high quality of its w(lrk and 3taHing. She qnestionGI the process by whkh a decii;iou on a <br />Novembcr de;;:tion was made during a single m.cering 8J1d asked why that decision had to be made <br />inunediatdy_ (;ityMa:nager Taylor s.nid that the ;,;teps and. tlmefram(l for placing S;;!lHdhing on the <br />NowmhtT ballot requ.ired that the cm.mcll provide d:irt,:ction today y <br />"fvls, SolOHli.m expres~.;ed concem with taking immediatc a,)tion as this. was the first discusshn the conndl <br />had had on the issue and therc hadht;:en no public heari.n~):>. She acknowledged the extensive puhlk <br />outreach conducted by the wmmis~>ion but fdt tk c()mmis~iolJ's credibility should also be suppnrted by <br />the council through f\:mmll puNic hearings on the rec.onllilendations. She statz~d that if the coun;:;'U decided <br />to move f(..,rward with a November electl<)11. it would need to t:stahlish langtwge H)r the charter amend- <br />rmmt, which contradicted ML Lm..c'i; earlier sbtements alxmt. the need to rN;,dn fh~xibi1it:~/ in the model, <br />She wa:..; very reluctant to procz'X':d with a charter 8;lUetKhnent and preferred lYk Poling's suggestion that <br />the COUlli::ii move to imrnediatdv im.p.k':mf,.~nt the.- model under the CitvManaQer's :~lH)ervisio!L She said <br />~ ~ ~ A <br />this. would retain tkxihility and a11mv the By~;tem to be revised as lle.cessaty &k Laue rephed tbtt th5..~ <br />eommis~inlJ had. n;commended a charter amendment election on narrow term3 that would give the council <br />MIN1.TrES-Eugmc City Council July 25, 2005 Page 6 <br />\Vork Se:..;sion <br />. ... ....... ..........................................................._.__.-..-.~..~.... <br />