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<br />the authority tn hire and aw;litor <ind appoint a review hoard. Lk did not expect that the council \wmkl <br />ind.ude '-my of the other det<.tih in the report. <br />:tYh. SnknIlon wa:,; not ct)liain she could support a council-appoinw-d auditor who would report dirc;;:tly k <br />the cOlmdL She felt tJU!t the Cityh-lanager's joh was to be the ;~OIKh.lit from the City orgim.ization tD the <br />;:.ollucil <.md for the council to have .an cmpk,y<x:: re-port direl;; to it would uwkrrnine the City Managtr's <br />authority .and that form of gove,nment She wa;;; rdUdtint to se.c that in the fbnn of ii amendment <br />iind w{lUld prefer rw. nrdinanc(. <br />M.s. lkttman t.h.a.nked the l;;()mrni~.;sion and its officers and ~ubcmnmittc<~ >.::h.!irs. She ~.;aid the Cjty of <br />SeaHle'z, oversight i..'l1tity wa;;; (:aHcd th.) Gake ofProfe~:.;ional Accountability and she .likcd the name <br />lx:caui;e Im::.k of accountability Of perceived ahsenee of uccountability l..wtaidy pre:judiced the conlmun1ty' s <br />app.rcdadon of the Police Department \; dedicated empbyee;;;. She felt the cm:mnis~don' s reeomrnenda- <br />tloni; ,epresented. a form of Gvenight. th<lt was independent of the Pnlk:.e Depart.ment and rz~spGnsivc tn thi:: <br />public through the nonnalehmmds of dernocmtic gov,crnment She quoted from the <mthor of t'roblcm- <br />Oriented Policing that ""fo the degrc~ \-v\:: expcnd n:::i;ourcei; on st,ategie:..; that don't 'solve pwbJ.cms. we <br />\vin always ho;ve inadequate n:.SOUfces, Vie mu::;t move to :"martcf budgets 0.nd ;;; strakg-i<;:i;; rathtr <br />than :;;\v.iitfhe~;, we :;;hm.ild in;;;taH screens:' She s.aid $h(: vie".I,'Ci.-i the l>f(}po~.;al as ins(:::..llling a ::;creen, She <br /> th(~ only is~;ut:: th.!t wl;:ndd go on the bal10t w<.ru!d be the fonn of governance MH.l the questi.on of who <br />the police auditor w:<.t::; lliXountahk W, <br />Nt.;. Ortiz echoed the thanks and praise from other c,mndlors and also thtinkd the BItC, y\lhitt<iker <br />Communi.ty Coundl and the Po1ke Department for their participatizm in and :,;upport of the pny...~ess, She <br />said :;;he wa::; not wmbrtab1e with the audit,)f reporting to the council but th(: comrm.;nity had a"h::d H)f an <br />cxtcrnal rcv1cw board that wa::; outside the purview of the City. She :,;aid it was Dwed tZ) th;:~ community to <br />have the complaint process be 0.S tt'anspaTent as possihle and if the. com:.m.ission 's H.'cr.mnnendation was to <br />\vay to get there she would support it <br />Referring to }.'k Po!ing'~.; que~.;tiO'n about why go to the balht if the c<.mncH would then implemcnt the <br />::;y::;tem under the CityMMW.gcr,Mr. KeHy said that the govcr:mmce \ not a foregone l;;ondui;ion~ while <br />the's. 1'<::pOIt did indicate the City MwU!ger approach was <:rwther optiJm, he could not support. <br />it Decaus<.::. of the fW.Hlarnenhl js~.;ue (jf structural independence. .He z,aid there 'Na:;; a ,:rdibihty p.roblem <br />that needed to be addressed and g'()ing with a system that was seen hy the public as not funy independcnt <br />would not solve it. He agreed with Ms. Solpmnn's point that this was the first rneet.jng alwhich the <br />cormdl had considered the c.Ol:nmi~)don';;; report and recommendMi.onB, but noted the tho:roughne;;;s ofthe <br />commission's work over the p.!~.;t year, including exten~i \Ie public outreach. He said the charter amend- <br />ment 'vvou.ld bc very hrief and basically ask if the coun(~U ;;;houl.d he allowed to .appoint an auoito:r and a <br />ciyilian reYlew board, He characterized the amendment as a very w.inor change to the structure of <br />government that did not undermine the citym~mage.r govcJnan;;:e stn.KtuK. <br />Mr, Part disagreed with ML Kdly's temarks. He s.!id tl1<!t having an al.lditorreprding to the council wa~ <br />a hugz~ Z:hange in the governance model. H:~~ agreed ,.vith thc need fo.r an ovcrsight board an.d thc need fo:r <br />a chmit::r mrmudment to establish nne, He appreciate-d the eOinmission"s peThpective. but the cOl..mdl <br />should take a broader Vlc";>..' and ask \vhether it was wilhng to changc the strong cityman.ager form "f <br />gnvernmenL He asked ifthe oversif!)1t board, in reviewing the Huditor's work. ei;bblbhCi.-l the public <br />cwdi.hil.ity and transparency that seem to be at issue, Mr. Laue responded that wa,~ part of it, and the <br />con.uni:"sion feH the oversight board had to he appotnkxl hy the council, but also fdt the auditor needed on <br />,';)ome Ie,/;:::! be a;;:COW1tahte to th~~ l.~ou:ndL Me Bmwn notNl that an optio.n thc cOl.mnission crmsiderd t~)1' <br />the oversight hoard that dif.fered from the way otht.':r boards and commis;;;ions were appointed W0.S tor the <br />MINUTES.mnEug.'Cn;::: City Cnuncit July 25, 2{)O.5 Page 7 <br />Work Se:,;::;ion <br />