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<br />about ecoD.(}miG development strategie:o. with various c.onm:n:mity groups ovcr several years, Slv;; wai; not <br />c{)nvinced that enterprise zune::> w<:;~re the be::,:,t u::;e of taxpayer doUars, b\lt she appn:ciated the ef1\-,rts of <br />several and the ;\;1;;!}'!)r t(.} incorpotl3-te fair community i;t~mdm-d$. into the enlerpris;;; zone to <br />cnsure taxpayers rto;;ived the hest return on invcstments. She believed thatn:1\:H"e, nut let.,,,, pnbli,~ <br />accountability needed to be part ofthc d:isCUi;~.;jon in which public wx subsidk~ W~'R; provided to privrlk <br />busines~;es. SfW thought this kind of .i.u::.countabiHty had heen snH.Kwhat lacking in the <br />Dr. C\lHahan recalled thilt when t.,he first nXlved to the city of Eugene, Hvnix wai; being huilt had heen <br /> , .; . <br />given a ,,,eries of tax breaK$.. She s.nid those tax breaks t., tn be "deals made hi::hind dosed doors." <br />Sb::: as:3erted that Hynix hri1ed to keep its pwrnise~ of h:eplng certain \vage levels ,-m.d ,"tand31'{:h. of non~ <br />di:..;criminatiOH in h.iring and ci::rtain leveL> of management joh.s for local people and the.rc had been no <br />consequ.ence::;. Shc hll:ther .i.\~.;"erted that many peopk in the l;:!.mmRln.ity 'were kH feeling that such t.i.!X <br />brea.ks and zom~s were a waste of HIPuey 'NithnD m.dhod for public 30~01lntabiHty. SlK w.i.w.Led "real <br />teeth" in an enlerprisf: zone. She averred that the community standards incoqx.1:G.:;k<.:1 into the City <br />Cm:mcil's original propOi'.-uJ. wa~ apositivG res[Xmsc to the unhappiness mnny in the community felt about <br />past tax breaks, She added that not enough tirne or opportunity for real puhlic input had been provided, <br />John Brown., 1.260 Charnehon Stn:~et, thanked the council on. behalf of the ea! Y omig Neighborhood <br />Assod.ation fDr restaffing Fire Sh:\tior1 9, which serv;;;d his neighborhood. <br />ML Brown aho wished to bring to the coundr S Httention the critical need f()f inz~re~;ts,xt vigilance along <br />tl"ie river ha:nks hx the next 60 days, He sakL as along..time advocate for the river ~m.d the \V iHametk <br />Greenway: the incrt~a3e in rel;;reational usage .i.!Hd homde::;s GHrlplng be:..:-,-tu::>e ofvofafm.,~r wt~\ther caus<.xl a <br /> imp.a;.;:t to the riparian i;HWL He stated that an increase in preventive l:neasure~.; over th.l.~ next 60 <br />days v;ould be greMly appn;~ciated by aren rcsid,~Jlt:3. <br />Kathy Smith. 88649 fir View Street., asked the Goundl to vote to nl;:cept the Cityl\-1B.nag,~r's <br />rz~o:mnwnili\ti()n ['or the emerp:dsc re::;olutit)l1, She wished to remind t;ou:ndiors that a citizen's <br />advii;;ofY committee on which t,he had servcd. had reviewed th{~ zonc ilnd she underscored its divert,e <br />con:;ti.tnency. She rdak>D that the gI!:mp reached an agr<.:ement to reomlm{:1)d to th,;~ City and the County <br />the creation of an enwrprisi:: zone to promok johs and ne.\V invet.,tment in the cormnunity, She noted that <br />the rec:mnmcndation provi.ded t()r greakrpoknhal benefit for :tlnns that expanded on exii;ting redeveloped <br />hrowni1dds and infiH sites and that the group believed community standards warranted iXH1si.dcmtion. <br />She related thnt the dtimn gr<.lUp gave signifi;;:<.mt time, study, and di.tKu::,:,::>ion and had learned much in <br />order t'O frame a pmpos<~t to t!-it;; l;;ouucil ,m.d to rctk<;t agreement on key bsue~.;br a '''umqudy Bugene <br />," Shx: asked the council to t:ontinue the group's progre:;>s and vote to at:cq1t the resolution. <br />Joseph McKinney. 2968 Smnrnit Sky Boulevard, president of Oregz)n RDads, submitted hi,,, tl'.~stimon;y in <br />writing. He explained that hh tldd wa~~ l;~oln.mer6ai iind CDnsumer tending. I.le averred that .i.! bl.lsinesi; <br />owner would tbcus on opportunities i.lvai1ahk through thl;~ l;;reatiou of an enterprise zone, He thought one <br />cnmpanyn1ight try to take adv(mtage of such a zone aud Gutma:neuver iw cornpd.1Wr,;;, He s1.lggested that <br />brokeri; and coutractors WOUld profit He ::;aid information movtd fast and such a U.Hle \vas not <br />~.;ustainabl.eA <br />Mr-Ml.:iKhmey asked what Im:(''1uive a community had to accept this zone if it did. nDt come with good <br />st(mdanb. He said., as a local business pf;:rsOH< he did no!. bdh.~ve that was not good for tbe <br />hwal economy at large was in his bei;t interest. Bec<Hlse the ecnnomy is c:ons.mller-drlvt.'U, it ii{ imp(utant, <br />he klt, to recognize that the consumer benefited fmrn community :..;taudardsA He likened iucenti ves to <br />MrNUrES~Eug(:ne City Council July 18. 20{l5 Page 4 <br />Regular Sl'.lssion <br />