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<br />busines::; H:, puhlic ussiswU{~e and it \\1.;:\$ reai;Orli.lble to Httach caveats in ord~::r to ensure that :,;tH::.h assisuHKC <br />achieved thi:: desired dIed, He :,;aid it \vas reasonable, just .as when grantin.g a loan, to attach pcdhrmance <br />requirem.ent::; to the zone such as good jobs., dean andlawftll huslrwss practices, and a long.term <br />comm:itn:H;:nt to th<~ i.:'mmnun.lty, He undcr;:;cored thM th<:: public expected a net gain from tlw incen!ivt::8 <br />provided 13.y an cnterprise zon.c, Hc asked if there were guarankes SUdl as ;:. penalty daltSe for a husine::;:, <br />that "cut and nm." <br />Lucy Lalli', 2095 Fieree Stret:.C staled that ~.,he worhxl "vith the Eugene!SpringEdd Solidarity Network ~ <br />J<.lbs with Jm;tkt) (;hapkr. She acknowledged the ',york the conm::i\ors and Mllyor had undcrtaken to <br />provide a good tax incentive that invest cd tax do!lan; in business development and mainknance. She <br />eonv~::yed ttK Solidarity Netwl)rk';:; a.ppreciation that the council's language provi;;kd ()pportunities for <br />both exhting and new businesses and that the council and the Lane Board of (\mnty Commissioners \vere <br />engag"\:xl in a di$;~nssion, hoping it \vouhl henefit the entire community, 'rhe network had been "somewhat <br />smvrised and dismayed" that the conlmissi.oncrs had nGt t~}lh:p;ved th:w\.lgh with the ,.lgreemeni '"forged <br />with the City Conncil" thc prCVi01.1S week. She averred Lhat the ,eason 6.)[ economic tools sueh as an <br />entel1Jri:,;e zone W<1~., to lTeate ne\v jobs, att.raGt ne\V bushKSSCS, and to SUPPOJt exii;ting businesses h)oklng <br />to grow. She iterated it was critical that dedei..l oftkiah Hnd quasi~govenHnent agencies using taxpaycr <br />money for ec.onomk development reprc:,eni the taxpayen~. stK stressed that taxpayers wanted hnnily <br />wage jobs so that they conld ;;tfi:ord to live .In this community, obtain afforruihle hea.tthcarc, and wntrihuk <br />to a stabk Lax base to S1.:pport public servke:", p':ihlk educntion, and local in.fmstruCturc. Shc said that in <br />ordcr to maintain the public trust, the proc(.'$S had to be tfanspare.nt. She supported the en.i}.l,cement of <br />cormnunity standards and accountubility, so that bUSlnCSS(lS "vcn;: aCGonnwbk D)r adhereno;: to thos.e <br />standards, Shc quott;:d th.,m a b1.1Sil1es.i; n:;cf1,.litment brodrure from the Lane \-km.l Partnership, as foHows: <br />'"Lane County busine::;:,e::; enjoy w{) as :1 t.earn vlith local govccrn.mcnt to End witHvin solutions to <br />saListy l.msim::$s Hnd citizeni; alike," <br />l'Yh. LahJ ai;ked that Eugene citizeni; keep working together to satisfy the needs z)f the entire community. <br />Pnul Conie-, 146J. \Vest Wth Avenue, :mhrniti.ed his testimony in writing. He supported the City Council's <br />original position on appropriate commn:n:ity stand(l;r(t~ thr a new enterprise zone, Ik thought Lhe <br />agr<::Cl1lcnt provided fix "st;:Jlsihk assurance" ttu!t tax breaks. would be lid to job creation, He Idt ttwt <br />recent positions taken hy :,ome of the Lane Board of County Con.u;..,issioners wa::; not ivhRt "rnost <br />Eugcneans wOtJ.!d <.~ndorse," f.k advised the council to nUlwally support one another after "hllmmt;:ring <br />out" a diHlcuh p(j.~.;ition on <mi~.;:me. He felt a shin from the original agreement could t.mdermine the <br />cound.l's abihty to vlork in good faith to'iVard future (~ompromise.s. <br />Continuin.g,.tvk Conte pres<)!w;)d an 1.lpdatc on tht;~ work of the Chambers Area F.<w.ri!ks iDr Healthy <br />Neighhorhood::; {CAFHN}. He called it a positiv{:) cxampk of'\~onstructive and creative publk <br />involvemen.t" He reported that C,'\FHN c-ompleted an inventory of neighborhood ;:;ites that were 'ixmed R- <br />3,R-4,. and C...2 and kknti.ficd over 30 pareels with high potential for deve.lopm;:::nt. 'rh~ group <br />thought this could. support more than 475 ne\v dweUing un.its a.nd could hdp stabilize ex.i:,ting <br />ndghb{H'hood~~ in that arC;;t. l-k said t.he work se.rved to improvc th<) outlook fix a Chambcrs Multi..Ust:: <br />Center Pbn that WGuld pmted the irreplaceable dose-in ei;tab!iihed ndghborhl)od;:;, fIe pointed Gul that <br />CAfHN ddivcred its fhU l,.1ensitY analysis, whk:h was include.d in council packets. He strcs,~ed that t.tK <br />!:,.'TOUp'S pmpo::;al thr InfiU :"tandards exceeded "every metro, city, and local den::;ity benchmark." He felt <br />the group kept its promise to aid in the. work and expn.:.:ssd hope that the work would he of value to the <br />CGuncil Rnd the rImming CommiSSion in discn::;sions of .Muhi~Use Center:,. .fIe th<mkt~d t.he council.for its <br />efforts towlyrk h.lwaJd the weU-being of the entire community. <br />MINUTES -----Eug<;~nc City C:o\lrld July 13, 2005 Page 5 <br /> Sessi.on <br />.--.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................~.. ..................... <br />