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Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 09/12/05 Mtg
Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
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City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />.Bruee Ull)nigen. If.l39 'fay-tor Stre-d, ~.;poke in w:ndemwith Mr. Cont<), Regarding n{~ighl:H)rh()od design <br />i;tHndards, he underscored that a:" a prot(.i;:>or of economks at the Uuiversity of Oregon, helx:Heved. in the <br />power of market for~~e;,L lk s<tid the compelling argum.e.ut based on the pmve.r of the m.arket w<.u, the <br />nohnn thm. the WHY 10 encourage Gompae-t re.:'> ndghborhood::; in the core of the citks W<l~ to nutke <br />them attractive places t;,) live. Be a::;sertcd that no amount of "hand-wri.nging" wou.ld S{;)P pres~ure. zm the <br />urban grov,rth boundary (UGH} shonkl thoi;e neighborhoods not be :.lttmctivc relative tG d\velli!1g;~ on the <br />J..-'eriphery,He ob;:;en-,,~d that in hh neighborhood, the current zoning stanrumh were allowing the <br />degradation of e-ore neighhorhoods, making them less attradi ve. He pointed out that. :,>ome rcsidents of his <br />neighbod1ood left b<:cause of just such ekment~, noting that an ugly mulh~nnit dwelling had been <br />;:;:ons.truded next to hL~ house. He reuladced that the hou::;jng market was not ~o simple as to eq\w.k- one <br />unit of infiH with one. less u:n:it ofspmwl. lk averred that in order to make the infHl \, it <br />Heeded to have <l greater appeal. fIe suggested tbt the design st::mdanh developed by (.'AFHN went a <br />long way to en:,>ure ne-w d;:;:vdopment would hc compatihle with core neighborhoods, <br />Me Blonigen lauded his <~xpe-rien.ce with CAFHN, He shared that he and b.i", "vlte. pmticlpakd i.n many <br />meeting;~ and ihe- group dedicated many hour:> to come up with detailed analy:;,e~ and SOlutions. much <br />based nn decades ~)freskknc.<~ in the neighbor.bood. Hc asbd the City Coundl to (;onsider the <br />recommendations of CAPlIN a:=; It ~~onsidcnx1 the Cha.ulbersMu.lti..(Tse Center. <br />Phillip Car:r(lH, 1054 VanBuren Street, spoke a~ a re::;ident ofthc Jeff(Ti;~)n/We~.,t::;ide.NeighbGrho()d and <br />;;! represenbtive of the Eugene Tree Foundation. Hc ~aid that during the (;harnbers Neighborhood <br />Revisited (CNR) pHKess, the urban forest was frequently referred tc citizen:..;;e they recog.nizii'J the <br />vabe of the landseapc. He l.mdii'rscoTed that one goat of the CNR pmcz~ss was to proln.ote density Bnd <br />infiH that was c.ompatible 'vvith existing ndghborhood {Cham,-~ter. He averred tbit the ud;!an torc:>t W:<!$ a <br />cornponent of said charader and the succes;:;ful fhw.::tion ufthe neighhorhood. He stated that the bnd~C;;!'pe <br />W.<lS due to the health and diversity of the area. which dep<)nded 011 $ufllcleatly large areas of contiguou~ <br />pJ.antabk soil. espedHl1y tho~.,e fOnl1ed by ntighboring back ymds, He ?x1id such yanb pwvid.ed area <br />resid<:::nh with thc opportu:n:ity tc partie-ip.<ite :in t.he creation of them-ban fbre~.,t and the st<;:wardship of the <br />rieighbortHxH::l. He fdt that the cnnSf.l1.ictkm ofinnH that was om of scab with the rest of the <br />ndghhorhood w~)Utd chop up planting areas .<md create chaHeng;c:s to the tamb::ape, He {:.ommented thai n <br />heaIthy urbanbrcst was not the enemy ofd{,'Uslty, He cite.d an experience he ha.d living in a row house in <br />San Francisco inwhkh his backyard supported <!variety of pbnhngs, as did an of' the backyards m that <br />neighhorhood,He asked the eoulKit to think ahout these factors and tG ls){)k closdy at the proposals. from <br />CAFHN. He-: av~~rred that contributing to the d{'.-Sirability and quality of downtown Jiving \vou1d incrz:.'~a::;e <br />resl<;kne-y. <br />RulbPbelps, 54A5 Donald Strtet,wiihed to bring to the attention of the City C:Otm(~il .and resident:'> ofth{:~ <br />So\,th Hili:.; area that Station 5 no 10ng<:T had an a.mbulance and that the Fire and Emerg:ency Medkal <br />Sz-)!:vices (EMS) Departrnem expected StaLk!\} 1 to provide coverage, Sht m.~.lntained that thj~w@ld <br />impact the fOn.H11lnute rcspOfl.:>e tim.e the depmiment aspircd to because the other station;:; W(Te too 11tr <br />a\v.ay. She noted that thc otlwr ambutance that wa::; to cover the arca wa$ located at the fire station. W1 <br />Hailey HiURoad. Sh~ darified that the ambUlance itsdfw.<!:> i;til1 klcateu at StatiDn 5, but the creew w:<!~.; no <br />longer there. <br />Hecky Rik}'. 202 Ha\:l/tbornc Street. enCi.Juf{{g(.xl the City CouncE to stand Finn when deliberating. over tax <br />breaks, She did not suppo!i giving tax break.; to corporations. Shc fOWld it difficult to bdk:v~~ that .an <br />enterprise. 20m: wai; the best way to suppmt thc local ecnnoniy and prom.ote busincss growth, She <br />MINClES ----Eugene City Council Jnly 18, 2J)05 Page G <br />Rtgubr Session <br />
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