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Sanltary seNic~ <br />Levy <br />Storm drain <br />R~C~ ATI~N <br />$ 524, 411each <br />$ 0.0251square foot <br />$ .141square foot <br />d <br />The final costs are generally lower than preliminary costs quoted at the local im rovement <br />P <br />heanng and are comparable to typical projects of this see. <br />The assessment distribution method for sanitary sewers was established in an attempt to create <br />an equitable approach as well as conform to guidelines within the code. Secrion 7.175.5 <br />describes lateral sewer assessments as being distributed on a cost per square foot for that area <br />within a 1 fry-foot distance from the right-of-way or a lot line, whichever comes first. In the case <br />of Camelot Mobile Home Park, there are no individual lots plated thus allowing for distribution <br />over the entire 160-foot area. This development is serviced by a combination of private and <br />public sewers, all of which have been constructed by the developer see Attachment "A"}. <br />In an attempt tQ create an equitable distribution, staff reviewed two potential approaches; 1} not <br />assessing the area within 160-feet of the public system constructed privately by the development <br />and assessing the remaining area withua 1 ~4+-feet of the right-of-way, and 2} creating equivalent <br />lots along the frontage to represent commonality with the other parcels being assessed in the <br />Local Improvement District. Staff selected option one since it conformed most clasel to the <br />.. y <br />ex~st~ng code language. Given the unique nature of the service delivery to the area staff <br />recommends approval by the hearings official of this approach. <br />Additionally, a fire hydrant was installed during the project construction north of Babcock Lane. <br />This hydrant serves only a limited area, as identified by public safety tree Attachment "B"}, thus <br />the method of assessment has been derived based on that area of benefit. There are no clear <br />guidelines in the code regarding assessment of this type of facility, however, staff feels this is <br />the most equitable method of distribution. <br />A storm sewer system was constructed as part of the improvement project to serve the area. <br />Since the majority of the properties within the Laval, Improvement District are a result of recent <br />subdivision activity or minor partitions and have submitted necessary irrevocable petitions or <br />similar documents, they can be considered "new development" see Attachment "C"}. Based <br />on the assumption, staff distributed casts to those benefiting properties see Attachment "D"}. <br />Staff recommends approval of the assessment distribution. <br />A public hearing regarding this project was held on actober 22,1991 at 6: 30 P. M, in the First <br />Floor Conference Room of City Hall II. Hearings Official Jack A. Billings presided. A copy <br />of Minutes taken from the meeting are attached to these Findings as Exhibit "1". <br />It appears from the information obtained at the public hearing, that the only objection to the <br />_2_ <br />