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Ordinance No. 19807
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19807
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:02 PM
Creation date
11/13/2008 12:50:32 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance levying assessments for paving, storm & sanitary sewer on Sheraton Drive from Chateau Meadow Drive, 1700-feet north; and declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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assessment process has been presented by Mr, Pat Langan; who is also a member of the Public <br />Works Staff. Mr. Langan essentially had three complaints; ~1} that he was not provided <br />information in a timely fashion; ~2} that he is being unfairly assessed for a fire hydrant and {3} <br />that the City should not have reduced the assessment to the mobile home park for the lateral <br />sewer assessment as has been proposed by Staff. Regarding the issue of provision of <br />information, the Memorandum of Mr. Larsen suggests that appropriate documentation was made <br />available to Mr, Langan in a reasonably timely fashion. Eugene Code 7.2G~ provides that no <br />local improvement assessment is invalid by reason of the failure to provide all required <br />information or any other delay, omission or irregularity. Certainly it does not appear to have <br />been any intention on the part of City Staff to deprive Mr. Langan of that which he requested, <br />Therefore, the Hearings Official does not find that Mr. Langan was denied information. There <br />is no doubt that he was disappointed about his perception of lack of responsiveness by City Staff, <br />and that this is unfortunate in light of future working relationships. However, the situation <br />would not invalidate the assessment process. <br />There was considerable debate during the public hearing and in the memoranda provided to the <br />.Hearings Official regarding the area benefitted by the fire hydrant. As noted in the Minutes, <br />there is a f~foot high fence running the entire length of Sheraton Drive which buffers the mobile <br />home park from that street. It is the finding of the Hearings Official that the placement of the <br />hydrant was made with the concurrence and advice of the fire marshall and EWEB personnel. <br />The Memorandum of Mr, Lyle points out that an additional hydrant will be required south of <br />Babcock Lane and that property owners south of Babcock will be required to pay for that <br />hydrant, <br />Therefore, it is the finding of the Hearings Official that it is reasonable to assess only the west <br />side of Sheraton Drive for the fire hydrant improvement. The fence which borders the east side <br />of Sheraton Drive would be a substantial impediment to the availability of this fire hydrant for <br />use in the mobile home park. There is already an adequate fire hydrant system available in the <br />mobile home park itself. While it is possible that lines might run to this fire hydrant if there <br />was a major conflagration within the mobile home park, that would be a highly unusual <br />occurrence. <br />The Memorandum from Mr. Lyle reveals that there was a calculation error in the approximate <br />amount of $210 for the cost distribution for the hydrant, This will result in a small amount of <br />reduction for those properties which have been assessed for the hydrant. Property owners will <br />be informed of the net reduction. It is the recommendation of the Hearings official that the <br />ordinance prepared by Staff reflect that reduction. <br />Mr. Langan also indicates in one of his memoranda belief that there is a double credit to the <br />developers of the mobile home park which has had the effect of raising the assessment for lateral <br />sewer for other property owners from $.16 to $.20 per square foot. <br />Upon reviewing the original Memorandum of the City Engineer, as supplemented by his <br />Memorandum of October 27, 1991, and upon reviewing the memoranda of Mr. Langan, it is <br />-3- <br />
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